“Be more intentional with your shopping choices, slow down your consumption, choose contentment, practise gratitude and be generous”, are some of the advices of Baptist World Aid Australia.
“We want the sensitivity of an important part of the population to be translated into regulations that effectively attack this social scourge”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
Charles David Kelley, painter and president of Bridge Builders International, examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith from a Biblical perspective.
The Evangelical Alliance UK calls churches to be “a place of welcome and compassion for those who are transgender” while countering “the culture narrative of individualism and deconstruction”.
“We hope that one day soon our society can learn to accept people's differences and different points of view”, said White Magazine owners.
Germans value honesty, readiness to help and kindness, according to the magazine.
A series of short video documentaries provide cutting-edge information about missiological issues defined in the Cape Town Commitment. The evangelical movement aims to spark thoughtful discussion and action.
The world's total fertility rate declined from 4.7 births in 1950 to 2.4 in 2017.
The WEA encourages Christians and local churches to get involved in the International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on November, 11.
A Pew Research report shows that Christian affiliation has declined in Western Europe, while substantial shares in Central and Eastern Europe believe in God and have greater religious commitment.
The European Parliament voted to ban replaceable products such as plates, straws and cotton buds, by 2021.
PMI Director Zaza Lima analyses the refugee crisis from a biblical perspective. “We run the risk of having a theology of consumption, which avoids pain”.
Around 280 people attended the Christian Surfers International Gathering in France. Phil Williams: “At the heart of what we do is our relationship with God, and how we react in our community”.
Jaume Llenas, a member of the committee that wrote the Lausanne document “The Missing ‘Christians’: A Global Call”, explains how nominalism is affecting the Evangelical church.
“If we are Christ’s, we have no choice but to be alongside the weak”, Mukwege, who was also a member of IFES, said in a recent conference.
The five Supreme Court judges unanimously upheld Ashers’ appeal against claims of discrimination. “This is a win for everyone”, The UK Evangelical Alliance says in a statement.
Yazidi activist and sexual slavery survivor, Nadia Murad, and Congolese gynaecologist, Denis Mukwege, won the Nobel Peace Prize.
“For many people, religion is a defining part of their life and should therefore be given greater focus”, Ofcom’s report on Equal Opportunities in Television says.
“The isolation of the digital world and the lack of communication skills that we are witnessing, make sharing the gospel quite difficult”, Bruce Little, President of Forum for Christian Thought, says.
The 19-year-old lamp keeper of a floating fish trap, survived by catching fish and sipping seawater through his clothes. He had his Bible on board.
Tony Britten, the composer, wrote the football anthem based on Handel’s ‘Zadok the Priest’, whose lyrics are taken from the passage of 1 Kings 1:38-40.
“We want people to remember their Creator during their youth, and then to run fast, shining brightly for His glory throughout their working lives”, says Graduate Impact coordinator Tim Vickers.
Every 40 seconds, one person commits suicide. “Suicide is preventable if efforts are comprehensive and integrated”, the World Health Organisation says.
“We have a responsibility to ensure the visibility of disabled people”.
According to a LifeWay Research survey, 46% of churchgoers prefer to attend a church where people share their political views.
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