A fifty-page report summarises key trends in Europe. Jim Memory’s work frames the context for Christian mission with the insights of analysts from all over the continent.
The prohibition “may be justified by the employer's need to present itself in a neutral manner to customers or to prevent social conflicts”, the EU Court of Justice states.
There were over 210,800 abortions. The abortion rate for women aged under 18 decreased but has increased for those over 35.
Over 200 people has died in the floods that specially hit Germany and Belgium. Protestant leaders call to pray and expressed gratitude for those who are helping.
There were over 10,900 abortions in 2020. Most of them took place in the first eight weeks of pregnancy and among women aged between 30 and 34.
The ammendment to the PCSC Bill was withdrawn after being debated in the Parliament. “UK politicians should be backing moves to lower the legal limit for abortion, not raise it”, says Christian organisation.
The marriage resolution passed by 254 votes in favour, and 46 against. “This will have profound consequences for the future of the denomination”, say those against it.
The final text is passed after two years of debates. French evangelical bioethics experts warned against the “consumerist and individualist drift” of the law and the disregard for children.
The document was published only two days after a similar blacklist in Argentina. Targeted groups include the European Christian Political Movement and ADF.
The government welcomes the “depathologisation“ of transgender people. Critics denounce legal uncertainties, a harmful approach to children, and the “erasure“ of women.
A study recently launched shows that free churches supported around 180,000 people during the pandemic. “There is no hope stronger than the one we find in Jesus”, they say.
“We should consider what is actually going on in our country, region or city, before jumping to conclusions”, says Jim Memory, who leads a summer course on mission in Europe.
The European Evangelical Alliance had called to reject the report: “Abortion is about the life of the woman but also about the life of the unborn child. Both lives matter”.
Evangelicals in Catalonia and the rest of Spain analyse the government's decision to free the convicted leaders of the Catalan independence process.
Satanists set fire to many churches in Norway in the 1990s. Now churches are not attacked as often as they used to, and smaller denominations hardly ever experience church fires.
An interview with investigative journalist Julie Roys was one of the items of the Italian Evangelical Alliance annual event.
In 2017, Revelation TV was fined with 6,000 euros for allegedly attacking the dignity of LGBT people. The judge says “critiquing ideas or positions” of others is a constitutional right.
The Council had justified its decision because of previous comments on sexuality of one of the speakers. Now it admits that it "acted unlawfully” and against religious freedom.
The mentorship programme Cross-Current has conducted a study among 350 Christian graduates over the past four years. Many have “a strong desire to apply biblical integrity and virtues to their work” but they face “real challenges”.
Janet Winston-Young and her husband survived the Brussels International Airport terrorist attack of 2016. She tells us her story of recovery and why she wrote a book about it. “I can say that God was with me in the hell of the bombing”.
“We have a responsibility to prevent, to react and to set an example in whatever we can do”, the CNEF says. Since 2019, eleven cases in evangelical churches have been reported.
The 2021 European Evangelical Alliance annual event will be held online (7-10 June). “Our mission requires perspectives and contributions from all spheres of society”.
The Matić report says “barriers in the access to abortion” lead to “inequalities in achieving women’s rights across the EU”. A final resolution is expected to be passed on 23 June.
Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.
In the year of the pandemic, nearly 7,000 people died by euthanasia, the highest number since the practice was legalised two decades ago.
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