Some 54% of India faces extremely high water stress. The crisis has become increasingly evident in recent years as much of central India is facing a severe water shortage.
Balancing grace and truth in outreach.
We thank God for the long and fruitful life of Billy Graham, as he joins the great cloud of witnesses, for his extraordinary influence and for the model he leaves of a life well-lived and a race well-run.
A look at polycentric missiology.
A living example from the persecuted Christians in Egypt.
The gift of the new operation world app to the global church.
Five Lessons from Lausanne's engagement with younger leaders.
The need for missional theological education that values the whole church.
How to be effective in disciple-making in the twenty-first century.
The church’s call to minister to, for, and with them.
How can Islamic radicalism be countered after the imprisonment of the Christian governor of Jakarta?
As Christians keep visiting the people affected by the disaster, they have come to be called Kirisuto-san or ‘Mr./Ms. Christ’, with respect and appreciation.
When ‘alternative facts’ take over from truth, a culture is in big trouble. What can we do as Christians?
The deepening partisan ideological divide in all sectors of US society will mean that governance will most likely lurch from one extreme to another. This will have major ramifications for the church and mission.
2.1 billion people of world’s population has little or no Gospel access. Christ-followers should be outraged by this spiritual injustice.
A number of Muslim groups are actively seeking a Caliphate, although their conceptions of it differ. These groups include Al-Qa’ida, Daesh (IS), Hizb ut Tahrir, and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Honor and shame are prominent in Majority World cultures, where these moral values form the ‘operating system’ of everyday life. People avoid disgrace and seek status in the eyes of the community.
Conversion from Islam is impossible in many places and in the few locations where it is possible legally, there are social and cultural impediments to change.
Without careful and disciplined action, the church’s theology and practice of mission will be impoverished.
While India has always had a religiously plural ethos, contemporary India has been polarized along religious lines with the advent of the Hindu nationalist political party to power in 2014 with an absolute majority.
It is estimated that over 100 million people in the majority world base their livelihoods on locally mining gold, precious stones, and other high-value minerals with minimal equipment, capital, and training.
Today, we might comfortably discuss ministry by, even under, but especially from leaders with disabilities.
The Christian church is a global phenomenon, and mission is a worldwide endeavor.
A new generation of African younger leaders is rising to the challenge of missions.
This is God’s work, taking whispers from the margins and translating them for many to hear, speaking truth to power.
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