In the winner of the last Golden Globes, “1917”, Sam Mendes draws on his grandfather’s experience of the First World War.
Todd Philipps' film is an adult exploration of the anatomy of evil, closer to a Kafkaesque tragedy or to Dostoyevsky’s novels than to the children’s universe of comic book superheroes.
This is not a horror story, but a story about horror.
The ending of Asterix books reminds us the Story par excellence, the Bible - banquets point to our yearning for a happy ending.
Many crime fictions happen in the past, as if by looking back, we find a way of diagnosing the traumas of the present.
This popular culture icon is nowadays described to us as a sad and vulnerable figure, timid and unsure – a far cry from the frivolous, joyful and radiant star that she was for her contemporaries.
The main thing that J.R.R. Tolkien inherited from his mother was the Roman Catholic faith. With the help of a priest, he was able to gain access to higher education.
Books, series and films have left us with striking testimonies of those who, while representing Christianity, wonder where their faith is. An article about three of the most acclaimed stories of 2018.
We judge our experiences in the light of the Bible, not the other way around. That is the difference between evangelical faith and mysticism.
God has given a certain dignity to work, making it something that we cannot live without. However, if we look to our work to find meaning in life, we will end up with an empty heart.
The conflict between God and Satan is not a fight between two powers with equal chances of winning.
Christianity departs from any kind of moralism. What is good news for Duch, is bad news for those who consider themselves too be good and righteous.
“Goodbye Christopher Robin” tells of the unavoidable distance between parents and their children, and the nostalgia for a lost home.
For Paul Schrader’s characters, salvation is often synonymous with self-redemption. Atonement for guilt is sought through violence, which, far from being divine, is profoundly human.
What today we call Satanism is really just a form of atheism, born out of the rejection of an all-too-familiar religion.
We cannot be what we want to be, because we are not infinite creators but finite and dependent creatures.
How is it possible to conceive that intelligent people could worship Osho as a god? Because, like Sheela, by worshiping him they were serving themselves.
Salinger was born in New York to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. This mixture set Salinger off on a continuous quest for answers from different creeds.
Ingmar Bergman (1918–2007) staged people unable to love and communicate, condemned to always hide behind a mask.
Guatemala is the country with the highest percentage of evangelicals in Latin America. However, it has one of the highest rates of inequality, violence and corruption.
Cinema and memory have a similar effect on the truth. They clean it and make it sparkle to make it more bearable.
Florence’s initiative in “The Bookshop” brings about a small revolution. As everyone knows, reading is a dangerous activity.
The Jewish singer-songwriter from Brooklyn, Neil Diamond, has waited until his 77th birthday to reveal that he suffers from Parkinson’s disease.
Music cannot be “Christian”, only people can take up the cross of Christ and follow him.
“It only takes ten seconds to crush a man’s
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