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Evangelical leaders to gather at European Leadership Forum 2025

Registration is now open for the ELF conference in Wisla (Poland), 17-22 May. Peter J. Williams of Tyndale House in the UK will be the Bible teacher.

FUENTES FOCL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus WISLA (POLAND) 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 17:12 h
A plenary session at a recent European Leadership Forum conference in Wisla, Poland./ [link]European Leadership Forum[/link]

The 2025 edition of the European Leadership Forum (ELF) will take place 17-22 May in Wisła, Poland, and its registration is now open.

Around 830 evangelical leaders from 51 countries, attended the ELF 2024, to network, receive specialised training and mentoring, and discuss mission in a secularised Europe.


Unite, equip, and resource

Since the first conference, 23 years ago, the mission of the gathering is to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe.

The dream of its director Greg Pritchard, and evangelical leaders from different European nations was to become “a coalition partnership of hundreds of gifted Gospel leaders who invested their time, talent and treasure” to fulfil that mission.

Throughout the year, the Forum “not only facilitates other initiative, but attendees are expected to use the resources and partnerships they have gained at the annual meeting to impact their local contexts”, say the organisers.

[photo_footer]  Conversations everywhere during the coffee breaks. / Photo: Dennis Craft. [/photo_footer] 


Bible teaching, networks, one-to-one mentoring, the ‘Expo’

The 2025 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be the principal and CEO of Tyndale House, Cambridge, Peter J. Williams.

Evening plenary speakers include: Rico Tice (Senior Minister (Evangelism) at All Souls, Langham Place in London), Leonardo De Chirico (Pastor of Breccia di Roma and Director of the Reformanda Initiative, Heather Holdsworth (Bible teacher, lecturer, artist), Zefjan Nikolla (General Secretary of IFES Albania).

[photo_footer] The 2025 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter J. Williams [/photo_footer] 

In addition to Bible teaching and evening plenaries, ELF participants will be grouped into educational communities called Networks, which focus on such diverse areas as Bible teaching, youth ministry, organisational leadership, evangelism, discipleship, science, counselling, the arts, politics, and media.

There will also be an Expo that connects attendees with dozens of Christian organisations and universities, as well as one-on-one personal mentoring sessions, which give participants an opportunity to speak to experienced leaders in various fields of ministry.


Inspiration and motivation

“At the Forum, I had the chance to hear about principles of ministry in the modern world, meet new friends, and take a break from the war currently happening in Ukraine. This Forum was a source of inspiration and motivation for me and my ministry”, said Ruslan Khymz, president of the Kyiv Theological Seminary in Ukraine.

[photo_footer]An ELF network session. / ELF. [/photo_footer] 

For Rebeca Neciosup Alburqueque, a youth leader in Hopera Church, Italy, “being at ELF as the youth group leader of my church has been an incredibly enriching experience. It not only expanded my understanding and commitment to the faith, but also provided valuable tools that I will bring into my ministry with the youth of Rome”.

Click here to watch a six-minute video about the ELF movement. Click here to watch a video about the impact of the Forum. For more information about the European Leadership Forum, visit


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

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