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Spanish Baptists fund heating of Ukrainian orphanage

As winter looms, churches in Ukraine work to get help for the most vulnerable in a context of hiking prices.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 16/Daniel_Hofkamp,5/Evangelical_Focus 26 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 11:13 h
One of the aid trailers sent by UEBE to Ukraine. / UEBE.

The situation in Ukraine continues to be dramatic for thousands of people, not only affected by the material and personal losses of the Russian invasion, but also by the economic and social consequences that hinder the country's development.

It is even more complicated with the comimg of a winter in which power and heating systems may be cut off in a place where temperatures can reach minus 20 degrees Celsius.

That is why the churches of the Spanish Baptist Union (UEBE) continue to help by sending all kinds of goods to areas affected by the war.


“The need for help is urgent”

Daniel Banyuls, secretary of the UEBE, spoked with Spanish news website Protestante Digital about his recent trip to Ukraine, which happened amid the new wave of attacks from Russia, where they visited churches that continue to be key places of material and spiritual help for thousands of families.

They were able to visit an orphanage that hosts children who have lost their parents, many of them from the Eastern part of the country, where the war is most intense.

One of their aid strategies is to fund a heating system for that orphanage, as well as collecting basic goods such as medicines, medical supplies, nappies, non-perishable food and blankets.

In this sense, the Baptist Union is ready to send the 7th trailer with humanitarian aid to Ukraine in November. All this material is directly delivered to the churches, which are in charge of distributing it according to the needs they detect.

“The need for help is urgent”, Banyuls told Protestante Digital, stressing the good work done by Ukrainian churches on the field as they distribute what arrives. This good practices were evident in in the two trips Banyuls was able to make to Ukraine this year.

[photo_footer] Poster of the campaign. / UEBE. [/photo_footer] 


A difficult pastoral work

Banyuls also explained the emotional and spiritual difficulties the churches are currently facing.

“Nationalist sentiment has been greatly exacerbated by the invasion, and that makes it difficult to work on reconciliation”, points out the Baptist pastor.

Therefore, he calls on the evangelical churches to not stop helping and praying for God to work, not only for the war to end, but also for Christians to be a faithful witness in such a complicated context.

Watch the full video interview with Daniel Banyuls on the situation of Ukraine here (Spanish).




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