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A prayer for Europe

EEA Hope for Europe Prayer Network writes a prayer for 2019.

FEATURES 17 DE ENERO DE 2019 17:10 h
Photo: Roman Terehov. Pixabay.

This prayer was first published by the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) for the Week of Prayer 2019.

But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thess 3:3

If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself. 2 Tim 2:12-13

Dear Father God, father of all of us and father of Europe,

We thank you for your faithfulness, not only to us but towards this our continent.

You could easily have said, after centuries of wars and the last two world wars with its holocaust: enough is enough.

We suffer from stagnation spiritually, and great tensions politically.

We are willing to bear these consequences.

Forgive us. Don’t let us go our own ways.

We see glimpses of light, lights of hope as we go on to see the future.

There are initiatives that ignites us.

Wake us up, to be alert! Let this continent be saved!

We hold on to your faithfulness, as you were faithful to your people Israel.

As you have restored, restore Europe to the best of its Judeo-Christian roots and heritage.

We thank you for the power of Reformation, but forgive us all the divisions that we must harvest from these centuries of striving for the faith.

Let the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe always relate well to each other as friends.

Spirit of community, let us stay connected in good ways.

We pray with the words from a Hillsong: Break our hearts for what breaks yours.

Keep us vulnerable towards the needy, strangers and refugees, towards all mankind.

Fill us with new strength for this new year in all its challenges.

Act in power in ways that will surprise both us and the world.





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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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