martes, 1 de abril de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital



I have wondered whether in the last few days there would have been changes in the Heaven of our God.

The metro as it passes through Paiporta, one week after the floods. / Photo: Protestante Digital

Anyone who has visited us in person in Paiporta will know that the airport of Valencia is not far from us and that you can often hear planes taking off. Of course, we had already got used to it.

Since the arrival of the floods in our town, the noise of the planes has been drowned out by other "noises".

Several helicopters every day, be they police, army or press helicopters. Also the almost constant wailing of the sirens of the Military Emergency Unit, the ambulances, the police, the firefighters, etc.

After a week, those unusually high noise levels are decreasing somewhat, and today a plane taking off in the distance reminded me of the "heavenly normality" of our town.

Much has already been done on the ground, with thousands of helpers from near and far, but we are still weeks or months away from the usual reality.

[destacate]Thousands of brothers and sisters in faith from all over the world have been praying for this area. And the Lord has given us Christians the opportunity to be an example of loving our neighbour[/destacate]I have also wondered whether in the last few days there would have been changes in the Heaven of our God. I am convinced that there have been, for two reasons.

Firstly, thousands of brothers and sisters in faith from all over the world have been praying for this area; I believe for Paiporta in particular. And secondly, the Lord has given us Christians the opportunity to be an example of loving our neighbour: our neighbour.

Words to testify about what motivates us as Christians will come later.

Many relationships, some of them superficial, led to a different, special cohesion in the wake of the dramatic event.

I ask myself: What has moved in Heaven during these days? How many people cried out to their Creator and put their lives in the arms of Jesus shortly before they died? In Paiporta we have the most deaths to mourn, with at least 70 victims.

[destacate]God, in His sovereignty, could have prevented this catastrophe, but He allowed it to happen. We will not understand ituntil we too are in Heaven[/destacate]Will some of the people with whom we will still live for as long as the Lord wants us to, at some point be interested in the message of Jesus' redemption through our testimony and will they gratefully say a clear "yes" to His good news?

I am sure that things have already moved and will continue to move in Heaven. All in His time, as the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says.

God, in His sovereignty, could have prevented this catastrophe, but He allowed it to happen. We will not understand the extent of the specific purposes until we too are in Heaven.

To Him alone be all the glory!

Arnold F., neighbour in Paiporta affected by the floods.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).







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