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Eleven YWAM missionaries killed in road accident in Tanzania

Youth With A Mission shares specific prayer requests in the aftermath of the tragic crash. “Pray for the children and spouses of those who passed away. Pray for the cooperation with the police, government, and different embassies”.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus Arusha 26 DE FEBRERO DE 2024 19:00 h
A view of Arusha, in Tanzania. / Photo: [link]Halidtz[/link], Wikipedia, CC

A Christian ministry serving people in isolated islands lost 11 of its members in a traffic accident in Tanzania (Africa) on Saturday 24 November.

“Leaders and students” taking part of a masters program of YWAM were “on a field trip with other local YWAMers” near the city of Arusha. “One mini-bus was struck and overrun by a large truck with failing brakes”, YWAM Ships Kona said on its website. 

“Five injured individuals are still hospitalized and two more people in critical condition to be rallied around in prayer”, an update the day after the incident said.

Other media, citing official sources in the country, confirm that a total of 25 people died: one girl, ten women and fourteen men. Among the dead were an American, a South African and a Kenyan. The injured included people from Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Switzerland, the UK and Mali.

The location were the accident happened, Arusha, in Tanzania.

[photo_footer] The location were the accident happened, Arusha, in Tanzania. [/photo_footer] 

Local and international leaders of YWAM were trying to respond to the tragedy on the ground with details of repatriation, medical evacuation, family support, and funeral arrangements.

YWAM has opened a link for donations to help pay for expenses that are expected to rise to 350,000 dollars.


Specific prayer requests

As they deal with the effects of the traumatic accident, YWAM shared specific prayer requests. “Pray for the children and spouses of those who passed away. The children lost their Dad or Mom and now have to grow up without them. Pray for the mourning process and people to care for them.  It is said the first 36 hours after trauma sets the tone for the next few years. We ask you to pray for people to surround them and help them through these first days and weeks. Pray that they experience the YWAM family support now and in the years to come. Pray that they will not grow bitter towards God for taking their parent/ spouse too early”.

“Please pray for the people hospitalized that are in critical condition and need to be moved to another hospital with better care. Pray their transportation goes smoothly without any complications. Pray their condition stabilizes”.

“Pray for those in the hospital that are in stable condition. Even though they are out of danger they are in pain and need special prayer for a quick recovery”. 

“Pray for our crisis management team. They’re doing a phenomenal job working night and day, taking care of the injured ones, supporting families, getting the bodies back to their countries (8 different countries)”. 

“Pray for clear communication. Pray against confusion in this vulnerable situation to prevent unnecessary hurt and difficulties. Pray for the cooperation with the police, government, and different embassies of the home countries so that it will go smoothly without problems”. 

“Pray for the nations of those people who have gone to be with Jesus or who are in hospital. All of those that died were leaders of projects, training centers and ministries. It is a major hit for our mission, especially the continent of Africa and the Middle East and Europe”. 

“Pray that much fruit will come out of these tragic deaths and that Jesus will get all the glory. We are praying that we will not shrink back as a mission because of fear that something like this or other tragedy might happen again. We are praying specifically for the work that has been happening through those that have passed away will not be stopped, but be carried on by others. That we even see a major move of missions into these countries”. 


About YWAM

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global mission movement, born in 1960. It was founded by Loren Cunningham, who passed away last year.

Today, the organisation mobilises thousands of full-time missionaries from more than 200 countries and a range of denominations and Christian backgrounds, serving in more than 2,000 locations.

Millions of people have participated in its programmes as students, short-term volunteers or full-time workers.

This article was updated on 27 February.




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