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World Evangelical Alliance

Filipino Efraim Tendero, WEA's new Secretary

Efraim Tendero, the National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, is WEA's next Secretary General and CEO.

FUENTES Christian Post MANILA 25 DE ENERO DE 2015 21:15 h
Efraim Tendero, WEA Bishop Efraim Tendero

The World Evangelical Alliance, which represents more than 600 million evangelicals around the globe, has announced the appointment of Bishop Efraim Tendero, currently the National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, as its next Secretary General.

WEA's International Council made the decision by unanimous vote Friday, and announced that Bishop Tendero will begin his five-year tenure on March 1.

"I am humbled by the trust that is given to me to be the leader of Evangelicals around the world," Tendero said in a statement released by WEA. "This is an enormous task and I put my whole trust and confidence in the Almighty God who called me into this ministry, believing that He will provide the wisdom, favor, and grace needed in carrying out this solemn responsibility."

Tendero, widely known as Bishop Ef, succeeds Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, who decided not to seek a third term after leading the global alliance for 10 years.

"We acknowledged from the onset and throughout the search process that we needed God's wisdom and the Spirit's guidance in making this significant and strategic appointment. We are not only pleased, but confident that Efraim is the right person to take WEA into the future which promises to be great," Rev. Ndaba Mazabane, Chairman of the IC and Acting Secretary-General of the WEA, said in the same statement. "His understanding of our global vision and his experience as a national Alliance leader will certainly help him connect with our constituency for greater global impact."



Tendero has served the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches for more than 20 years, representing about 30,000 evangelical churches in the Catholic-majority nation in South East Asia, where he is also President of the Philippine Relief and Development Services.

He also serves as International Facilitator for South East Asia of the Asia Evangelical Alliance and is the chair of the board of Back to the Bible Broadcast, Evangelism Explosion, 3 Philippines, Global Filipino Movement and the Philippine Missions Association.

He is also the Executive Editor of Evangelicals Today, published in the Philippines.

Bishop Tendero has actively sought to make difference in the politics of the country. His national alliance joined calls in August for President Benigno Aquino not to extend his term of office.

"It is best for him to just endorse a new leader who would faithfully continue his fight against corruption," Tendero said in a statement at the time. "I'm praying and hoping that President Aquino would finish well as a good leader, and what he started in the struggle for a 'righteous path' will be passed smoothly to his successor."

Tendero did a Bachelor of Theology from Febias College of Bible, and then a Master of Divinity with focus on pastoral counseling from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He was later offered two honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees from Asian Theological Seminary and Febias College of Bible, and a Doctor of Leadership degree from International Graduate School of Leadership.

Bishop Tendero and his wife, Sierry, have four children and two grandchildren.




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