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The Ibero-American Congress For Life and Family starts operating in the United States

The pro-family and pro-life coalition formed by politicians from Latin America and Spain opens an office near the Capitol in Washington D.C. and aims to become a pro-life Core Group in the UN.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus WASHINGTON D.C. 01 DE JUNIO DE 2021 15:43 h
The Capitol, in Washington D.C. / A. Felicciotti, Unsplash, CC0

After months of work and completing the needed documentation, the Congreso Iberoamericano por la Vida y la Familia (Ibero-American Congress For Life and Family, known also as C.Iber) has finalised the process commissioned by its assembly in March, to effectively become a legal entity established in the United States.

This entity started in Mexico City in February 2017 and now has members coming from all Latin American countries, as well as from Spain.

The platform began with the aim of offering basic Christian values to society as networks of politicians and experts in the area of socio-political affairs work together.

In the case of Spain, the Evangelical Alliance  is the body that has mostly engaged with the platform, being represented in the Congress’ board by Xesús Manuel Suárez (in charge of the politics school) and Pedro Tarquis (communications officer).

Image of the Peru 2020 assembly of the Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family. / Web C.Iber

[photo_footer]  Image of the Peru 2020 assembly of the Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family. / Web C.Iber [/photo_footer] 


Presence in Washington D.C.

According to the C.Iber, it is the first time that an evangelical entity established in so many different countries receives the legal recognition in the United States.

The Congress has opened an office in 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C., in an area nearby the Capitol.

The group has also applied to become a Pro Life Core Group in the United Nations.

“We have the conviction that it is our responsibility as believers to be a light in the midst of darkness, this is why are making this big effort in terms of time and economy”, has said the President of C.Iber, the Mexican Aarón Lara, who also expressed his hope to make a positive impact in the context of the United Nations.


Four years of work

So far, the evangelical platform has worked on its theological, social and political vision, and promoted the participation of churches in the current challenges in the countries where it has been represented.

The engagement of Christians in politics has been analysed and debated in in person conferences and online events. For the C.Iber, the active participation of churches in the political decision-making requires “professionals with a high academic level, and, above all, clear ethics and values”.

[photo_footer]  The C.Iber brings together representatives from all over Latin America and Spain. [/photo_footer] 

After four international congresses celebrated in Latin America, and several other national events, the Congress has consolidated several projects and defended the protection of the natural family and life in the development of legislation in countries such as Mexico and Argentina.

The Congress has also been the platform that has given a voice to hundreds of civic associations of Christian inspiration in the Organisation of American States assemblies in the last years.

Other emphases of the C.Iber are the fight for the dignity of women, and an emphasis on including the concerns of the youth, “channelling their vitality and potential for the good of society”.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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