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Evangelical university to help with mass vaccination in Bolivia

The university offers its facilities, staff and equipment to the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, Costa Rican evangelical MPs call on the nation to pray  for those suffering from coronavirus.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus LA PAZ | SAN JOSE 26 DE MAYO DE 2021 17:00 h
Signing of the agreement between the Bolivian Evangelical University and the Ministry of Health. / ED.

The Bolivian Evangelical University has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health to lend its premises, personnel and resources to facilitate immunisation against Covid-19 for the population of the city of Santa Cruz.

“We must be grateful for the willingness of the Bolivian Evangelical University, which has not only joined the campaign, but has also made its facilities, professionals and students, available to us. It has set up a cold chain to guarantee the storage of the vaccines, and in the event of possible power cuts, they have acquired electric generators so that the cold chain will never be broken”, said the Minister of Health, Jeyson Auza.

The agreement aims to speed up immunisation in the area most affected by the third wave of the pandemic, which has reached peaks of more than 1,000 infections per day. To date, the Ministry of Health in the region has reported that over 255,000 first doses and more than 79,000 second doses have been administered.

“We have seen the Bolivian people suffer for more than a year and we ask ourselves, what will be the solution? So that, when the vaccines began to arrive, we wanted to join the solution of immunising our citizens”, pointed out the rector of the Evangelical University, Timoteo Sánchez.

The institution joins a long list of universities across the country that are already part of the mass vaccination strategy.


Costa Rican evangelical MPs promote national prayer

Meanwhile, the deputies of the New Republic party in Costa Rica have presented a proposal to call on Costa Rican people “regardless of the religious creed”, to “join in prayer this Sunday 30 May, for the people who are suffering from the Covid-19 disease, as well as for the health and economic situation of the nation”.

Furthermore, they asked the Congress to publicly express its solidarity with public and private health workers, people living with the disease and those who have lost a loved one due to the pandemic”.

[photo_footer] New Republic MPs pray in the legislative plenary session / Nueva Republica [/photo_footer] 

The proposal was also signed by deputies from other political parties, not just those from New Republic, the party led by presidential candidate and evangelical preacher Fabricio Alvarado.

According to official data from the Costa Rican Ministry of Health, 2,370 new cases of coronavirus and 28 deaths were reported on Tuesday 25 May.




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