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Andrea Spendolini - Sirieix won European Championships: “I just needed to trust God”

The British diver got 10m platform gold medal. She had previously won 3 medals at the Commonwealth Games, quoting the Bible after her victories.

FUENTES Premier Christian News AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus ROME 19 DE AGOSTO DE 2022 13:40 h
Andrea Spendolini - Sirieix after winning gold medal. / [link]Andrea Spendolini - Sirieix instagram.[/link]

Seventeen-year-old British diver Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix has won 10m platform gold medal at the European Aquatics Championships in Rome, Italy.

This is her second medal, after winning the Mixed Team Event bronze medal-on the opening day of diving competition.

“I could feel my heart beating out of my costume and I could feel it in my throat as well but I just needed to go for it, get that jump, get that twist, get in the pike shape, trust God and it just came out how I wanted it to come”, said Spendolini-Sirieix right after her victory.


Outspoken about her faith

The UK diver, daughter of famous French restaurateur Fred Sirieix, best known for his appearances on TV program First Dates, is always very outspoken about her faith.

God showed His might and strength and moved a huge mountain into the ocean. Emotions and fatigue were running high and in that moment I reflected on how far I had come”, she wrote in Instagram about her performance in the pool.

She thanked her coach and team, pointed out that she was “so happy and overjoyed […] The words “hard work always beats talent” will forever ring in my head and motivate me to improve and better myself as an athlete”.




Commonwealth Games: Medals and Bible verses

The European medals come just after taking three more (two golds and a silver) at the Commonwealth Games earlier this month.

Mark 4: 37-41 - Peace by still. This was the title for my competition yesterday. Peace of mind and stillness of water. God is good all the time and all the time God is good”, posted Spendolini-Sirieix on Instagram after her gold medal victory in the 10m women's platform diving competition.

She quoted the Bible again when she, along with Eden Cheng, get the silver in Women’s Synchronised 10m Platform: “Pure joy. Pure excitement. Pure love for you Eden Cheng. After a slight stumble on my part, I was reminded of Philippians 4:13: We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us, and boy did we pull 5253 out the bag”.


Difficult beginning

Despite all her victories this summer, the beginning of the year was difficult for the British diver.

“I had quite a tough beginning of the year. I couldn't do any of my dives. I was terrified of diving and I was really close to quitting because I was petrified of everything”, she told BBC Radio 5 live.

“But my team and my family just helped me get through it. I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for them”, concluded Spendolini-Sirieix.




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