lunes, 24 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez


God has given us the victory in all the situations of our lives by means of our Lord Jesus Christ.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 16 DE FEBRERO DE 2020 17:00 h
The Queen presenting the 1966 World Cup to the captain of the- English team./ Wikipedia.

We all remember that key moment in the history of the England football team: the day in which ENGLAND beat GERMANY in the 1966 World Cup final, after extra time and with a result of 4-2. That team was full of players who wanted to win.

Maybe you are asking yourself, "What does this have to do with my life?" It is quite simple: the Christian life is just the same: a life of victory.

Does that mean we can play any sport and win? No, we are talking about something much more important: God has given us the victory in all the situations of our lives by means of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On many occasions we live defeated lives, bitter, worried, focused on what others may say and all the small frustrations that we have on this earth, while God states in the Bible that our lives should instead be victorious.

It is not a magical solution, and still less an escape from reality. The matter is a lot simpler. The secret lies in resting in the life of the Lord Jesus and his victory on the cross over evil powers.

There is no problem, no evil, no situation, no frustration that is greater than our God, and which he cannot overcome. Therefore, if our Father has victory over every situation, why should we live defeated lives?

It may be that you are in a very complicated situation where you are fighting furiously against temptation. Maybe you think there is no way out. Do not continue in this mistake.

Speak to God right now and ask for the power to overcome that He gives you for that specific problem and rest in him and in his promises. Remember, he was never defeated.




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