martes, 25 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez


Having received everything from God, our earthly as well as eternal life, we respond with disobedient stubbornness.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 27 DE ENERO DE 2019 14:00 h
Iñaki Perurena. / Euskonews.

The world record for weightlifting, at 315 kilos, was set by IÑAKI PERURENA, the Basque weightlifter. Strange as it may seem, he could lift a stone weighing more than 300 kilos from the ground and raise it over his shoulders.

But not even a man as strong as Iñaki can break rods of iron. God speaks in the Bible of human stubbornness. We often act like disobedient children. It's hard to believe that having received everything from God, our earthly as well as eternal life, we respond with disobedient stubbornness.

Don't be fooled: nothing is more important than being useful to God. Nothing makes life more meaningful, or makes us better people, than setting aside time for God in the midst of our studies, work and business.

Nothing is as satisfying as serving God and being aware of his presence all day long. Nothing cheers the heart more than obeying God.

You can go on living without God if you like, disobeying everything he says. You can assert yourself until you lose everything by thinking you're the best.

You can invent a thousand excuses to say no to God. He won't break your will; God's not going to force you to be happy.

Don't doubt for a moment that if God wanted you to do something, you'd have no choice. He has a million ways to make circumstance take you where he wants you to go, and if that's his plan, you're wasting your time resisting. But he expects you to volunteer. It's much better to submit your will to God unconditionally.




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