miercoles, 23 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Will Graham

God and Santa

Share the Gospel with your children this Christmas.

FRESH BREEZE AUTOR 18/Will_Graham 16 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2017 10:00 h

Merry Christmas, dear readers!

We’re going to wrap up this year with a brief reflexion upon the differences between the Lord God Almighty and Santa Claus. Why don’t you read this article to your sons and daughters?

1.- Existence

The first difference is that Santa Claus does not exist. He’s only a fictitious character. Even if Santa did exist, he would be a sinful creature standing in great need of his Creator’s saving grace.

2.- Home

Father Christmas lives in the North Pole surrounded by snow. Nevertheless, God is everywhere because He is omnipresent. The Most High isn’t limited by space.

3.- Presence

In stark contrast to God, Santa only visits us once a year (Christmas Eve). Our heavenly Father, however, is always with us because His presence is boundless.


Santa only visits us once a year.

4.- Power

Santa may travel around the world once a year upon flying reindeers. But the Almighty is infinitely more powerful than old Saint Nick. God can create everything out of nothing, send floods, split the Red Sea in two, stop the sun and raise the dead. There’s nothing impossible for Him!

5.- Wrath

Santa never gets mad at anyone because no one owes Him anything. He gives coal to the bad boys and girls. But he doesn’t tell them off or call them to repentance. He’s indifferent and apathetic.

In this sense he’s very different to God because the Lord is angry with His enemies. In the same way that God has promised to bless His people richly; He has also promised to punish the wicked forever and ever.

6.- Salvation by works

Santa Claus gives good gifts to good kids; but coal to bad ones. The problem is that Santa’s whole system is based on human merit. How will we ever know if we’ve been good enough to earn a present from Santa? Doesn’t he know that all of us are bad and disobedient?

The Gospel of the glory of God, however, reveals to us that God blesses us with the forgiveness of sins through faith. That is, faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sins. In Christ, we are freed from coming wrath.

7.- The type of present

Although it may be true that Santa’s presents are fabulous, we’ve got to remember that they’re only material objects. Toys will last for a year or two and then they’ll get broken. But the gift of God, eternal life, lasts for all eternity. No one can pluck one of God’s little lambs from His almighty hand.


The toys we get last for a short time.

8.- Comfort

Santa’s not a bad guy; but he’s not really interested in us. He comes once a year; leaves us a few presents; and then he’s off again without saying a word. He’s not there to help us with the rest of life’s troubles throughout the rest of the year.

But thanks be to God, the Bible teaches us that our Saviour is always with us to comfort and take good care of us.

9.- Our response

What does Santa want from us? A few biscuits and milk! What does God want from us? Our heart, our soul, our all! The Lord doesn’t want us to give Him thanks once a year. He desires us to praise Him all the days of our lives, to build our lives upon His Word (the Bible), to pray without ceasing and to spend time with His other followers week by week.

10.- Share the good news

Santa Claus doesn’t give us a mission in this life. He doesn’t care if we talk to others about him or not. But once we believe in the Gospel, God wants us to tell the whole world about what Jesus did. Have you ever talked to one of your friends about your Saviour?

When you share the good news, you are glorifying your heavenly Father and doing good to the soul of the other person. It is the supreme act of love!


So Santa Claus is not God. And God is not Santa.

Merry Christmas to all and a Blessed New Year!




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