martes, 25 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

A once-in-a-life time chance

We're the ones who miss the opportunities to do good, help others, speak of God's love, or defeat the enemy.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017 12:00 h
Spurs and Lakers in 1999./ Wikipedia

The winning team of the NBA's 1994-95 regular season seemed to be made up of rejects from other teams; people had thought they would get nowhere.

DAVID ROBINSON, J R READ, RODMAN and TERRY CUMMINGS made up the San Antonio Spurs, along with players like HILL who had been rejected in Italy.

DEL NEGRO had had a lot of trouble finding a team. A JOHNSON was thought to be too short. ELLIOT had left Detroit due to a chronic injury, and so it went on.

Together they learned to win, and the team became NBA champions.

Life often teaches that we need to wait until the right moment. The best man does not always win, and the strong don't always rule.

The people on top don't always have the last word. Wise men don't always give the best advice. Wait till the right moment, and when it comes, give it all you've got!

There's an old saying: "Take time by the forelock." Not many know what that means.

It was said that Time was a swift horse with a long mane. But when it ran past, people discovered that it had no tail!

To catch it you had to take it by the forelock as it came towards you; once past, it was impossible to catch. You only have a moment to decide and act.

We often complain of our poor luck, but we should instead complain about ourselves. We're the ones who miss the opportunities to do good, help others, speak of God's love, or defeat the enemy.

These are once-in-a- life- time chances, and we let too many pass us by. Someone's life may depend on our being in the right place at the right time.

Few people know the key. You have to depend on God and be ready to give your all at the right time.

In all aspects of life, be it study, sport, work or family, you have to be on your toes. Your once-in-a-lifetime chance may come at any moment.

It may come today - sooner than you think.




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