martes, 25 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

Sweet Memories

Stop feeding resentment, doubt, problems and bad memories, and put a moment of gratitude in their place, of happiness...a sweet memory.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 09 DE ABRIL DE 2017 19:00 h
Federico Martin Bahamontes won the Tour de France in 1959. / Cordon Press.

The winner of the Tour de France in 1959 was FEDERICO M BAHAMONTES.

This was not the first time that this cyclist had done the race. Nor was it the first time he had worn the yellow jersey, to show he was the race leader. In previous years Bahamontes had been in first place.

But then, when he was leading a mountain climb, Bahamontes stopped a moment in order to buy an ice cream. He sat down, and lost a lot of time and his career with this action, .

Sportspeople know the danger of failing in small details. For example, they run or play with the least amount of weight possible. Nobody would think of running with heavy clothes, or play basketball in mountain boots. All that is not essential is a hindrance.

But it is easy to be prepared in big things, and yet to fail in small details. Those small details are burdens that we believe are unimportant - a small lie, a small deceit, a single criticism... nevertheless these small things can conquer and defeat us.

But it is not just the small internal or external things that make us fall. On many occasions they are, simply, memories. Yes, memories of errors in the past. Lost opportunities that come to mind again and again.

Sadnesses from the past that weigh heavily on us and make us broken-hearted: a friend who defrauded us, somebody who returned us evil for good, an unsolved problem, a person whom we have not forgiven, bad memories, burdens that take away our victory.

There is a way of getting rid of these burdens. Fill our minds with sweet memories. It is that simple! Because everyone is good at remembering bad things, God said that our mind should instead be full of everything pleasant (Phillipians 4:8).

We should remember the good moments of our life, the people that we knew, places we were in, those situations that made us happy. We should thank God for each one of those moments, those people, those places. We should give thanks to God for each one of the memories!

All of us have sweet memories, it doesn't matter if you are 10 or 100. God has already given us hundreds of happy moments in our life. Get rid of all your burdens! Stop feeding resentment, doubt, problems and bad memories, and put a moment of gratitude in their place, of happiness...a sweet memory.




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