In an interview, author and cultural analyst Dan Strange says Christians need to speak more about their faith: “All the things now valued in our post-Christian world have Christian origins, even when these have been distorted”.
An interview with the British theologian and cultural analyst about the cultural moment in Europe and the role of Christians in society.
A survey in France shows that 76% of evangelicals know of Bible passages related to environmental care. Jean-François Mouhot (A Rocha) sees “a generational change in the churches”.
In an interview in Germany, Franklin Graham talks about the vision of his evangelistic ministry and addresses criticism of his political support for Donald Trump.
In France, evangelical Christians are more engaged than others in ecological matters. But some are also suspicious about ideological trends, a survey has found. We asked Jean-François Mouhot, director of A Rocha, about creation care, theology and churches.
Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.
Curro Royo is a scriptwriter with over 30 years of experience in TV series such as Spain's popular Cuéntame como pasó. In an interview, he talks about his Christian faith and his passion for stories.
Christians are against desecrating holy books, says Olof Edsinger, leader of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. But “something is terribly wrong when totalitarian regimes are trying to force us to abandon our hard-won human rights”, he adds.
Researcher Margunn Serigstad Dahle analyses the cultural debates around the global entertainment company. “The Disney universe’s commitment to individualism is increasingly becoming marked by expressive individualism”.
Large-scale AI systems consume enormous amounts of energy. Yet the material details of those costs remain vague in the social imagination.
Church provides a community that doesn’t disappear when the lights come up, but one that is set to walk with you through life’s joys and hardships.
An interview with Argentinian climate scientist Fernando Primo Forgioni, a committed Christian. “My generation was the last to be brought up with conceptions of an infinite world in which environmental problems were a secondary issue”.
We live in a peculiar culture – utterly different to the classical world of ancient times, different to undemocratic nations, different to theocracies as well. Why?
Speaking to a Christian a reporter, the PSOE praised the work of evangelical churches among migrants, the PP valued their dialogue, and Vox spoke of their moral coherence and ability to create strong communities.
An interview with Luis Rodríguez Pérez, who follows the fate of political prisoners in Cuba, two years after the pro-democracy protests. “A vast majority of Cubans have been in the opposition since they have the faculty to reason”.
“Rapito” was presented at the 2023 Cannes Festival. It tells the true story of Edgardo Mortara, a Jewish boy from Bologna, who was kidnapped from his family in 1858 and taken to a Catholic boarding school by order of the Inquisition court.
“Our goal with technology should be to have more healthy humans, not to create some kind of super humans”, says the bioethics expert in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
‘His Only Son’, now screening in Europe after winning over audiences in the US, depicts one of the iconic scenes of the Old Testament. We spoke to the director, David Helling.
The film, which is landing in European cinemas, connects a controversial story in the Old Testament to the good news of the gospel message.
Miguel Lara and Rosa Burguera of the band Sal150 have written a book about mourning the loss of their 22-year-old daughter.
What are the challenges posed by the exponential evolution of AI in recent months, and should we be optimistic about the future? Computer scientist Charlie Catlett, a researcher of the internet since the early days in the 1990s, answers key questions.
An interview with Pete Lupton of NePornu (Czech Republic).
Pete Lupton, of the Czech Christian ministry NePornu: “The gospel offers grace to those hooked”.
An interview with Jonas Engström, a Swedish choir director and composer with a passion for Gospel music.
Jonas Engström, director of the Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival: “This is both my way of living and sharing my faith”.
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