A Baptist church in Russian-occupied city of Melitopol has been raid 3 times in a year by armed, masked men, and its pastor accused of "illegal missionary activity”.
After 4 years, the proceedings against pastor Olaf Latzel for hate speech are dropped. He paid a fine of 5000 euros and publicly apologised.
The church member faces up to 10 years in jail for giving “knowingly false information” about the Russian armed forces. The Russian-imposed authorities say their aim is to “halt the work of religious sects”.
María del Carmen Rodríguez suffered the death of her husband and her only son, but God's comfort restored her work and ministry life. She is an Assemblies of God pastor and also a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice.
Does the friendly image of the member of the Parliament hide an ultra-conservative woman full of hatred?
Dragging an individual through a grueling criminal trial simply for expressing their religious beliefs is the opposite of what characterizes a free society.
Judges to give a verdict by November 30th. Prosecutors asked a 120-day fine for Räsänen and argued her interpretation and post of Bible verses was “criminal”.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko of New Life Church will be detained for at least 10 days, as trial begins against congregation for spreading “extremist material”.
“In any democracy with a respect for religious freedom, all should be allowed to pray in the privacy of their own minds”, says the defence. Trial is set for November.
We should never stray too far from his passion if we are going to follow him well, do good theology, or seek to offer hope in this world.
The police says he promoted conversion therapies. “I will keep sharing my testimony, I don’t want others to be robbed of the biblical side of the story”.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
The ILC is an association of Lutheran churches with “an unconditional commitment to the Bible”. Juhana Pojhola is part of the open case against Finish MP Päivi Räsänen.
The Supreme Court of India has directed the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to obtain information from 8 states.
That July 11, 2021, called “11J” by Cubans was the largest protest seen in Cuba in 62 years, triggered by a shortage of food and medicine and the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The landlord, rival shop owner, falsely accused him of disrespecting Muhammad by allegedly saying that Christ was the only “true prophet”.
The Christian brothers have been in jail since 2014, accused of creating a blog with blasphemous material, after “a shoddy investigation and evidence”, said the lawyers.
‘Industrials for Christ' brings together professionals and amateurs from the construction sector to reform Christian facilities and to help unbelievers know Christ better.
Lorenzo Rosales is jailed in a high security prison since August 2021, after joining peaceful protests against the government. The European Parliament, US congressmen and human rights organisations called for his immediate release.
The Lutheran bishop in Finland, after his acquittal: “I hope for wisdom but also for courage for us as Christians in our use of words”.
In January, Brian Houston had already taken a leave to prepare his defence in a trial for allegedly covering up a sexual assault case involving his father.
Watch the speech of Finnish Christian politician Päivi Räsänen at the General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, 19 February 2022. "We are especially called to stand firm in those parts of the Scriptures that contradict the spirit of the time".
Päivi Räsänen was the main speaker at the 2022 General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance: “Everyone should be free to express their deeply held beliefs about important issues without fear of censorship or criminal sanction”.
The second hearing focused more strongly on the interpretation of the law than the first hearing. Bible quotes and questions about faith were not heard this time.
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