The pan-European mission initiative ceases its activities. In a farewell letter, the board “praises God for the many seeds that were sown through the Congress and through the Movement”.
Nearly 70 participants involved in theological research and training discussed the topic of “Christian identity and mission in a divided Europe”.
Pursuing the flourishing of women through Imago Dei.
About 600 evangelical leaders from across Europe are expected to attend the European Evangelical Alliance “Hope For Europe” conference in Estonia, in October.
During the gathering, a cycling team traveled 355 km to several villages in the region where there is no Christian witness.
Twenty-seven evangelical scholars gathered for an intensive in-depth training week, to have “a more accurate and clear understanding of Roman Catholicism”.
Jesús Caramés, Rector of the Spanish Faculty of Theology of the Assemblies of God talks about the theological education in Spain.
The film tells the stories of three refugees and the friends they met in Hungary, France and Denmark. A set of materials are offered to start honest conversations about the challenges and opportunities of the refugee crisis.
Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
The Forum of Young Christian Entrepreneurs gathered 500 people in its second edition. Mgliwè Simdinatome leads a movement to equip young Christians as they start their first business projects.
The annual gathering brought prople from across Europe to Wisla (Poland). To unite, equip and resource evangelicals is one of the aims of the European Leadership Forum conference.
About 800 people from most European countries are expected to gather in Poland for the annual gathering focused on re-evangelizing the continent.
The network of Christian ministries working for the inclusion of people with disabilities celebrated its tenth European gathering in Riga (Latvia) with the participation of 12 countries.
The General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance focused on how the Gospel has power to build united, diverse and relational churches.
A short film shows the work of Pastor Gennaro Chiocca among victims of trafficking in Italy, the European country with the highest rate of prostitution.
The gathering focused on effective campaigning – from a political, civil society, and media point of view.
The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) roundtable brings together people from across Europe every year. “Christians can guide refugees and help them meet the Prince of Peace and the Real Comforter which is Jesus”.
The European Freedom Network, formed by more than 200 partner organisations, becomes a legal entity. Experts, campaigners and Christian workers shared resources at the 2017 “Bridge” conference.
More than 350 attended the first Wales Leadership Forum conference. Chris Street: “Current generations know very little or nothing about the Bible and who Jesus is”.
And adventure camp is the first part of a Czech training programme for Christians aged 13 to 17. “Pastors and Christian leaders shared with them stories of their calling and lives”.
A week of lectures, seminars, and discussions to study and evaluate Roman Catholic theology and practice.
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
Around 1,000 young people receive training and share Jesus’ message in a week-long urban camp. The 500th anniversary celebrations will close with a big festive event in the centre of Madrid.
A church leader in India explains how networks of small Christian communities apply the gospel in their local contexts. “Discipleship needs to be a very collaborative work”.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
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