From 6 to 9 March, the Spanish Christian Nursing professional group met in Marín (Pontevedra) to strengthen ties and draw up a new strategic plan.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
If the integration process in the big city is not successful, we risk losing several generations of young people who will live their spirituality away from the local church. By Ismael Rodelgo.
‘In order to plan for a better life, we must stop and listen to the voice of God’, says Ilsen Canizares, a Christian doctor specialising in healthy ageing.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
The care of the children is integral, looking after each child “academically, physically, psychologically and spiritually”. Donations from evangelical churches, individuals and organisations can make the new project possible.
Burnout among mission workers is on the rise. The repercussions are far costlier to the team, family, marriage, and ministry, and negatively impact the gospel witness.
Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.
After two and a half years of works, the Nou hospital evangèlic will open its new facilities in April. “Barcelona wins”, say the local authorities.
A house in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca hosts patients with long cancer treatments and their families. “God has done so many miracles for us”, says its director.
A real encounter with God can be measured by the love for others it produces.
The Teenage Mothers project of ‘Alianza Solidaria’ in Bolivia helps young mothers between the age of 12 and 18. “It's a light to enlighten them”, says one of its leaders.
Why not take the year-end as an opportunity to seek God’s heart about your church, your ministry, and your part in His plans?
A report shows that Australians have a good perception of Christians and are willing to have spiritual conversations, but also see Christianity as a bad influence in some areas.
A study shows that 26% of pastors have personally struggled with mental issues. Most leaders talk about mental health at church and feel equipped to provide help.
All of us have an outstanding talent scout. Someone who was able to give all he had in this world, even His own life, because of His love for us.
“Churches can help children with prayer, counseling and spiritual care”, say the World Evangelical Alliance and the Christian association World Without Orphans.
We should be realistic about contributing factors of burnout, sensitive to underlying stressors, and proactive in our care for one another.
Anything that takes your mind off God destroys you.
The things for which we are grateful, are a helpful reminder to us in those darker moments that things can and are positive too.
With more than 140 years of history, the hospital will keep the evangelical values that underpin its identity, committed to the integral care of people.
The Bible only divides birds into two groups: clean and unclean.
The positives of James having the jab are clear. The negatives, while short lived, have nevertheless been significant for him.
With no visitors allowed, we found ourselves ‘being church’, filling the gap where other clergy from the community were unable to visit their church members. By Katie McClure.
Lament, communities of care and the new normal. An article by Gladys K. Mwiti.
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