The servant has to travel a road that is far from straightforward; and through his journey in Genesis 24 we can learn a lot. The one characteristic that stands out above all others is his single-mindedness in serving his master.
On June 19 and 26, many churches will spend a day to pray “for the welfare and protection of the world’s forcibly displaced peoples”. Ideas and resources are offered.
Who wouldn’t want to be tolerant? Raise your hand, please! But what does it mean exactly?
Churches that have gone through difficult times often unconsciously give space to news “messianic leaders” with a non-Biblical leadership, says Diane Langberg, Clynical Psychologist.
Nikos Stefanidis (Helping Hands Greece) believes that reaching refugees through “holistic ministry” is following Jesus’ example. The pastor shares stories of asylum seekers who have started to follow Christ.
“We need to develop in young leaders the ability to recognize and nurture a calling of God into the ministry, even amidst career options that are much more lucrative”, says Dr. Steve Patty after conducting a wide-ranging study.
More than 700 participants at the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. Networks, seminaries and plenary sessions gave biblical perspectives on current issues. John Piper: “Prayer is central, the world does not need more Christians with powerless ministries”.
Should the protest of Reformed Christians against laws allowing shopping on Sunday be heeded? Do transgendered people have a right to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with?
Not even a world record is as valuable as a friendship. Don't you forget it!
We love new technologies and we use them passionately. But we also know God’s mission is done through and for real people. The ELF conference in Wisla (Poland) reinforces our aim to analyse the big challenges of today through the Christian worldview.
The gospel and Europe. More than 700 participants from across Europe share their experiences and get quality training during the 2016 European Leadership Forum.
Dr Pablo Martinez is one of the authors of the ‘Pastoral Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse’. In an interview, he explains the causes from a biblical perspective, and recommends steps to take action.
One of the most beautiful examples of friendship occurred during the Olympic Games of Seoul, and involved a runner named Moulay Brahim Boutaib, winner of the 10,000 metres race.
Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) believes churches in Switzerland and across Europe “are opening up to integration.” He emphasises the importance of “praying for and with the refugees.”
What should be the approach to refugees coming from an Arabic background? What is important to them? How can we talk to them about God? Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) gives some answers.
In his book “Not Forgotten”, American missionary Kenneth Bae tells how his 2 years in prison strengthened his relationship with God and his love for North Korea.
The “Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse”, released by the AEE, “wants to analyse the situation and give tools to the church, so that they can prevent the abuse.”
“We support tackling extremism, but not in this sweeping, overly broad manner", EAUK, CARE, Christian Concern, Lawyer's Christian Fellowship and The Christian Institute say in a joint statement. Government's strategy against terrorism risks freedom of speech.
Whatever happens in June, Britain will still be part of Europe; we are not voting for the English Channel to become an ocean.
What can members of local churches do to welcome asylum seekers living in their region? Robert Strong (Netherlands) suggests some easy steps we can follow.
The way in which Catholicism perceives time - the sense of definitiveness as well as that of a progression - is a solid indicator of its basic theological framework.
Christian volunteers from Korce (Albania) serve in the well-known camp in Greece. In weekly teams of 10 people they work with a Children's Corner. “SD memory Cards which contain the Jesus film and Bible in Arabic” are given to some adults.
Five evangelical families declined to pay the quota for the Roman Catholic patron saint celebration, and the local authorities cut off their water supply. Several organisations confirm rising trend of persecution in rural Mexico.
Jesus was able to command others to follow him, yet his approach to leading these followers was to build close relationships where he taught in small groups, challenged, mentored, and answered their questions.
Doug Marshall (IAFR) shares about the situation of refugees in Malta. “I would challenge the political right [in Europe] to be a little bit more engaging. Especially if they claim to be Christian right.”
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