Authentic expository preaching is not only faithful to the biblical text, but it also requires effective communication from the preacher that emphasizes relevance to the listener.
A compelling conclusion contains three ingredients: a look back, a look forward, and a definite finish. However, many sermon conclusions are harmed by extra ingredients.
Sometimes the pursuit of being “interesting” and “relevant” undermines the exegetical integrity of our ministry.
You want to be the most prepared preacher possible, but you must preach with a profound sense of your dependence on God.
Let’s talk about a couple of unplanned moments that tend to show up quite often in the sermon preparation.
Let’s think about two defining moments in sermon preparation that tie into the transition between passage study and message formation.
Every little detail of your preparation will build the character of the message, but the defining moments will fundamentally change the outcome of your process.
Not all topical sermons are created equal. What is the difference? Whether or not it is expository topical.
The preparation of a sermon will be a privilege, an opportunity for God to mark your life profoundly.
Is your Bible old and static, or dynamic and relationally connecting?
Last minute preparation is not ideal, but it is possible and it is still better to prepare as much as you can, rather than not prepare at all.
Boring people through preaching is too dangerous to let it happen even once more.
When we preach the Bible, let’s not settle for a tips-for-life kind of relevance.
This was the sixth edition of the youth event in Poland, in which over 3,500 people have already participated so far.
Let’s take to heart the strength of Jesus’ conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount for ourselves and for others.
Evangelical churches are more practical than reflective on pressing issues such as the energy crisis or the impact on the quality of life due to limited living resources.
An inteview with Manuel Rainho, the General Secretary of Portuguese IFES Group.
We seek to make that main idea so clear, transformative, evident from the text and applicationally earthed, that we will genuinely have preached the text before we sit down.
Let’s evaluate our churches and make sure we are not adding any unnecessary barriers for guests that come along.
Dave Patty, Founder of Josiah Venture, talks about 5 teaching methods Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount.
Preaching is about exegesis and communication,pastoral care, leadership and discipleship, but it should be preeminently about prayer.
If you are asked to preach, prepare. Prepare humbly. Prepare prayerfully. Prepare as if “apart from me, you can do nothing”.
There are various ways in which we can start to lean on a powerful crescendo too much, and thereby weaken our preaching.
A study shows that 26% of pastors have personally struggled with mental issues. Most leaders talk about mental health at church and feel equipped to provide help.
You have to think through the situation: who is preaching, to whom, what are they used to, what is the preacher capable of doing, what is the subject matter, etc.
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