A theology of digital technology written by a professor of computer science who benefited from fruitful interactions with his colleagues in Christian philosophy and theology.
Technology is fast encroaching on family primacy and we are seeing an increasingly premature loss of childhood innocence. The author encourages parents to be approachable, calm, informed and realistic.
Nobody can doubt that Little Richard’s faith was genuine. He may not seem exemplary and even contradictory, but his faith could not be more authentic.
A review of the films “Richard Jewell” and “An Officer and a Spy”.
A strong theme through the film is Auggie coming to terms with the reactions of others to his disability, but at the beginning really struggling to do so.
In the winner of the last Golden Globes, “1917”, Sam Mendes draws on his grandfather’s experience of the First World War.
A review of John Mark Comer’s latest book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
Animator Bobby Rubio is father to Alex, a young Autistic boy, and ‘Float’ is his way of sharing their story.
The ending of Asterix books reminds us the Story par excellence, the Bible - banquets point to our yearning for a happy ending.
Many crime fictions happen in the past, as if by looking back, we find a way of diagnosing the traumas of the present.
These sixteen stories serve as a useful read for evangelical leaders seeking to understand common themes that might help to understand what influenced an evangelical intellectual to embrace the Roman Catholic Church.
Doctrines and practices cannot be disjoined as if they were independent silos, but must be seen as mutually influencing one another.
The main thing that J.R.R. Tolkien inherited from his mother was the Roman Catholic faith. With the help of a priest, he was able to gain access to higher education.
What is the connection between the burning of Norwegian churches in the 90s and the appearance of the Scandinavian rock genre?
The recent book by Thomas G. Guarino, The Disputed Teachings of Vatican II. Continuity and Reversal in Catholic Doctrine, is particularly helpful for evangelicals for at least two reasons.
A film about the life and conversion of Agustine of Hippo was screened at the Athenaeum of Barcelona. A fully North African team and cast worked on the project for six years.
The UK government has ordered a review “to map Christian persecution worldwide, and make recommendations on the practical steps it can take to support those under threat”.
For Paul Schrader’s characters, salvation is often synonymous with self-redemption. Atonement for guilt is sought through violence, which, far from being divine, is profoundly human.
If Roman Catholicism is Roman, it cannot be truly catholic.
What today we call Satanism is really just a form of atheism, born out of the rejection of an all-too-familiar religion.
Ferry, like so many, does not seriously consider Christianity’s truth claims; he simply does not believe.
We cannot be what we want to be, because we are not infinite creators but finite and dependent creatures.
How is it possible to conceive that intelligent people could worship Osho as a god? Because, like Sheela, by worshiping him they were serving themselves.
It’s impossible to imagine the BBC producing any sort of programme that examined the origins of Islam or the Quran with anything like the severity with which Christianity or the Bible is treated.
Salinger was born in New York to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. This mixture set Salinger off on a continuous quest for answers from different creeds.
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