If we want a cinema of values, that teaches the world what we believe and how we can respond to the situations we face, we need to support what is out there.
Among the most read, Christian reactions from Ukraine as the Russian invasion unfolded, the trial of a Christian politician in Finland, and the death of the British Queen.
One of the best writers in Spain died recently. His sensitivity and tremendous capacity for observation painted a realistic image of how human beings are.
The World Evangelical Alliance sends a report to the United Nations denouncing “how the Indian government has fostered violence and legal discrimination against religious and social minorities”.
The book provides a searching and honest analysis of the deep challenges faced by the church today, and a clear and hopeful vision for where we go next.
There are many Bible stories that the young people might be aware of around the themes that emerge from the film ‘CODA’.
Francis is a “liquid” pope who is liquifying an institution that has made its rocky and immutable structure a distinctive trait of its identity.
Eucharist has been elevated to a primary identity-marker: practiced, taught, protected, abused, and used for various purposes, including extra-religious ones.
The biography of Columbanus and Robert Schuman, is a unique contribution filling a major gap in literature on the making of Europe.
Evangelical remarks on Catholic S.J. David Meconi’s latest book.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
Whoever is elected, the next pope will unlikely be an “evangelical” if the word “evangelical” retains its doctrinal and historical meaning.
Talking about mental health with young people through a glimpse into the early life of of a well-known TV presenter and his struggles with mental health as a teenager.
The road may be long, healing will not be quick. But then comes the encouragement to wait on God, listen to Him, and learn to trust Him again.
In a year shaped by the pandemic, our daily news website continued to offer cultural analysis from a Biblical perspective. Visits grew 22% as people from all over the world accessed Evangelical Focus contents.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
The syncretistic and idolatrous nature of much of Western Christianity is contributing to the ultimate collapse of Western civilisation.
Transitions can be treated as automatic, but by neglecting them we miss a vital part of sermonic effectiveness.
Broadening the range of our capacity to wonder is at the heart of epistemology. To fail to do so is to slip dangerously into knowledge as impersonal and disembodied.
The battle between good and evil’ flows through the film. This study plan is primarily created to be used with children and young people.
Pullman is cross-pressured: even as he dismisses God and attacks religion, he feels the echo of transcendence.
The focus of this paper is a brief Christian critique of Pullman’s views on religion, especially as he expresses them in his book His Dark Materials.
The Spanish Bible Society launches a new version of the most widely read Bible in Spanish, “with an agile text but keeping the legacy of the original Bear Bible”.
Vatican I further solidified the nature of the papal office as a quasi-omnipotent and infallible figure.
The French series L'Effrondrement has an impact on the viewer because it dramatises some narratives that we have already begun to generate during the last crises.
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