What has the Bible to say about Christians marrying non-Christians?
The danger of deciding on the basis of narrow personal or national self-interest is to overlook a whole range of possible consequences to the other parties in this set of relationships – which could then rebound on us.
Who wouldn’t want to be tolerant? Raise your hand, please! But what does it mean exactly?
Whatever happens in June, Britain will still be part of Europe; we are not voting for the English Channel to become an ocean.
The way in which Catholicism perceives time - the sense of definitiveness as well as that of a progression - is a solid indicator of its basic theological framework.
Christian volunteers from Korce (Albania) serve in the well-known camp in Greece. In weekly teams of 10 people they work with a Children's Corner. “SD memory Cards which contain the Jesus film and Bible in Arabic” are given to some adults.
Jesus was able to command others to follow him, yet his approach to leading these followers was to build close relationships where he taught in small groups, challenged, mentored, and answered their questions.
Over the last three months, more than 38,000 students have attended a university Christian Union mission week event in the United Kingdom.
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
Both men called each other “Mr”, to avoid saying “president” so as not to give legitimacy to each other’s governments.
CNEF director Clément Diedrichs tells Evangelical Focus: “The bad news became an opportunity to clarify who we are, the evangelical branch inside of Protestantism in France.”
Economics should take into account the relational aspect of men as it structures society for human flourishing.
How many times have you felt that your life has no direction, no sense to live? Even in Christ, many people may think that there is no place to go, or whom to talk with.
A good part of what we do in front of the mirror and in front of others as well, is to put on makeup and cover-up whatever we’re unable to accept. Something similar happens in our day to day life as well, in front of the mirror of the Word.
What is love? What does it mean to love someone? Is it to have a checklist of actions we have done for others? Is it an emotion we are supposed to feel?
It is clear that, to be able to grow, human beings need to be interdependent- be it within the family, the couple, friendships, work or hobby.
‘Love never ends’ (1 Cor 13:8). Building a kind of love that puts out divorce.
Four Christian psychologists analise what the movie tells us about the way we see romantic relationships nowadays.
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