Michael Green started where people were, but always took people to Jesus.
If disabled people were a nation, they would be the third most populous in the world (after China and India). Surely they deserve for us to keep fighting with them to change perceptions, change reality, and yes, change the world.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
On Wednesday, the European Evangelical Alliance celebrates 25 years of engagement in EU circles, after the opening of a Brussels socio-political office in 1994.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to positive cultural engagement. This must begin with assessing where we ourselves are adopting these narratives uncritically, and going on to evaluate them in a constructive way.
A visible unity would make our voice more effective and credible? This is not so obvious as it might seem at first sight.
We should defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For, if we do not stand up against their erosion or redefinition, we will be consenting by default to enormous injustice.
Let’s ask hard questions that demand more than just shallow answers. Only then can we really deal with and solve complicated social problems.
As with any addiction, the brain always wants more, harder, more intense. Saying that one can actually change the likings of the enormous mass of consumers towards a kind of porn that is non-violent and non-sexist, is a lie.
In the battle of language, this diffuse form of populism is defining what is “progressive” and what is not, and thus imposing its ideas on society.
Populism presents itself as the real, orthodox incarnation of popular will but makes itself unaccountable.
With such division in our political leadership, is there any wonder that the tensions over Brexit remain so high?
As Christians we have a responsibility to take a stand against propaganda and make sure we are bearers and channels of the truth.
Twenty-eight years without this terrible landmark of separation, family divisions, a country divided.
Our generation must speak out for the poor and vulnerable, and the generations to come, and not act as if history ends with us.
Christian alienation is not, by definition, a negative consequence of being Christian or an unintentional aspect of Christian life.
When citizens who have an evangelical faith engage in social life, they have the same rights as others who are agnostic, atheists or of any other belief.
The Bible shows us examples of legitimate opposition to the abuse of power by those in authority, and it is not simply limited to the subject of preaching the Gospel.
To claim that somehow Britain is morally superior to the other 27 countries of the EU is a dangerously arrogant position to take.
The narrative is straightforward. They are the victims. They have been damaged by ‘conservative theology’ and they are going to change us evangelicals so that we accept their position.
The CNEF presented its positions on the Estates General of Bioethics in a public event. “The value and dignity that the Bible recognises for every human being invites respect for all”, they said in a statement.
Those of us who work with immigrants have spent the last few days with growing fear and concern, though also with small glimmers of hope.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
It would be naive in the extreme to remove the most important human right of all – the right to life – from the Constitution and to put it in the hands of career politicians.
The website will be launched before summer, offering opinion and information from a Latin American context. ‘Evangélico Digital’ is linked to ‘Evangelical Focus’ through the ‘Areópago Protestante’ media group.
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