There have been repeated raids on churches by the Luhansk People's Republic. Authorities announced the ban of the “destructive activity of the extremist Ukrainian Union of Evangelical Churches”.
In New York, António Guterres met the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Efraim Tendero.
WEA’s Advocacy Officer in Geneva comments on the work of the former Secretary General of the UN and Nobel Prize winner.
Cuba was reviewed earlier during this year in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review conducted by the UN's Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Let’s pray that Britain and her European neighbours will find a pathway for lasting reform that’s rooted in biblical revelation and wisdom.
“We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government”, Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told the UN Human Rights Council.
Christians are called to “open our mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute”, says Wissam al-Saliby, the WEA Advocacy Officer for Human Rights in Geneva.
About 2,000 Anglican representatives gather in Jerusalem under the theme “Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations”. The movement has grown exponentially due to its commitment to the authority of the Bible.
The World Evangelical Alliance Advocacy Officer Albert Hengelaar defended the rights of the religious minorities to live their faith without restrictions.
Mass arrests, torture and arbitrary sackings are denounced by the United Nations. Pastor Andrew Brunson is one of the many imprisoned after the failed coup in 2016.
Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and three other European countries are in the top-10. What should Christian mission look like in such countries?
“I know the allegations against my father are absurd. He is not an armed terrorist trying to overthrow any government, my father is a peaceful pastor”, daugther Jacqueline Brunson told the United Nations in Geneva.
“The sustained growth of the churches unnerves the government”, Cuban Pastor Mario Félix Lleonart, says. Several evangelical leaders have been interrogated and arrested in the last months.
The gift of the new operation world app to the global church.
Christians in Europe are “finally taking the challenge of climate change seriously”, says Dave Bookless of A Rocha.
“It is the right thing to do”, the US President said. He also announced the move of the the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
The push for a ‘right to abortion’ by the UN Human Rights Committee, under the guise of re-interpreting the ‘right to life’, is not just outlandish. It is also in strong contradiction to international law.
The former Bosnian Serb commander “significantly contributed” to the murder of 7,000 Bosniak men and boys in the 1990s, the UN tribunal in The Hague has sentenced.
In Europe, Christians tend to use one term or another dependening on the cultural background of their country. How would you describe yourself? Vote.
After the Saudi-led coalition blockade, Yemen faces “the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Some seven million people are on the brink of famine”, the UN warns.
Large report shows that only 17% of Americans are white evangelical Protestant. Baptists are the largest denomination, and most of religiously unaffiliated citizens identify as secular.
“Kim Jong Un is begging for war", U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said. China and Russia asked for diplomatic talks with North Korea.
The UN Security Council holds an emergency meeting. “Dialogue and understanding is the right and moral way forward”, says World Evangelical Alliance.
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
The economist summarises the manifesto “Confederal Europe: Strong Nations, Strong Union” and explains why personal relationships should be at the centre of our economy, education and democracy.
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