We live in a time when a radical rethinking of mission is called for and feasible. An article by Wonsuk Ma.
Janet Sewell has written a MA dissertation on how this new technology intersects with the mission of the church. “Let’s not forget that God's message has practically always been mediated”, she says.
Hope for Sudan is a collection of daily radio programs, designed to help Sudanese people understand God’s plan for their lives.
George was indefatigable, in prayer, in evangelism, in mobilisation, in fund-raising and in correspondence to fellow labourers around the globe.
More than 700 migrants found faith in Jesus through this church's Migrants Centers in recent years. Thirty of them were trained as missionaries here and sent back to 13 countries.
The unity initiative Spain We Pray for You brought together evangelicals from across the country.
Clément Diedrichs was proposed by the Minister of the Interior to recognise his 36 years of service to the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
Over three decades ago, a group of nine people from the same youth group in Cuxhaven realised that God had entrusted them to walk through life together, creating space for people.
The three-day national conference included testimonies from Ukraine and legal changes to strengthen the national Baptist Union for the future.
Freedom and peace have their roots. They are rooted in virtues of truth and justice.
Keller knew church planting in Europe is hard. Take heart, European leader!
OM invites young Christians aged 18-30 to visit 11 countries between June and August. “Experiencing mission first hand can lead to being called more long term”.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
An interview with Jonas Engström, a Swedish choir director and composer with a passion for Gospel music.
At a meeting in Bogotá, missionaries and pastors acknowledged that they “still have challenges regarding our vocation and our capacity to welcome differences”.
The whole gospel includes the proclamation and incarnation of the love of Christ in which the body of Christ makes him visible to the world.
The European Leadership Forum conference in Wisla (Poland) underlined the importance of public evangelism. Over 750 prayed together and networked for mission.
Spanish Christian geographer Miguel Wickham analyses the severe drought that is hitting Southern Europe.
TWR’s Central and Eastern Europe ministries include 15 countries and 18 language groups, partnering with like-minded organizations.
The emigration of Argentinians to Italy increased lately. The search for opportunities and the missionary call among the reasons to return for Christian families.
Images of the European Leadership Conference which is gathering 750 evangelical leaders from across the continent in Wisla, Poland. Gospel integrity is one of the main themes.
The Manhattan preacher gained a global audience with his expository, life-oriented, and Christ-centred preaching. He was culturally open, dialogical, and contemporary in his communication.
We can choose to limit our learning to minor takeaways, or to use the pandemic to address how we approach missions. An article by Kirst Rievan.
The event in France was started 15 years ago by the Assemblies of God. “May churches confidently accompany these young people in the visions they have for their cities and regions”.
The Bible expositions and evening plenaries of the European Leadership Forum (19-24 May) in Wisla will be streamed online.
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