The European Commission launched the Online Citizens’ Consultation on May 9th. It is “addressed to all Europeans, asking them what direction they want the European Union to take in the future”.
About 800 people from most European countries are expected to gather in Poland for the annual gathering focused on re-evangelizing the continent.
About 160 representatives from four continents met for the EBM International Mission Council. “We are servants of God, his disciples and his ambassadors”.
A legacy measured not in dollars, or real state, or trophies, but in changed lives.
He carried out intense testimony work with hundreds of events in churches, schools, parks, bull fighting rings and in the streets of towns and villages across the country.
A lot of churches own a building which lies empty for most of the week. This is madness, why not use your real estate to make friends with your community?
More than 1,900 people “made a decision for Christ” in the event organised by Portuguese evangelical churches and evangelist Franklin Graham.
A global versus international model can help.
Evangelist Hélder Favarin gives insights into how to preach the gospel evangelistically in a secularized society. Sometimes preaching “sounds like a foreign language to non-Christians”.
Politicians and business people all over the world have a high interest in the issue of “reconciliation”, says the director of RZIM. “People need to see that there is a distinct, unique and vital contribution that is made through the Gospel”.
As the number of people with a negative view of religion increases, so the climate for churches and other religious organisations will grow more difficult.
Balancing grace and truth in outreach.
Bikers ministry Covered Backs had a stand at the MotoMadrid Show. They gave away 2,500 copies of the ‘Biker Bible’.
Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and three other European countries are in the top-10. What should Christian mission look like in such countries?
“I was with Graham in press conferences in places such as Buenos Aires and Philadelphia, and I was really impressed by his capacity to respond with clarity and integrity to the questions of reporters”, writes Samuel Escobar.
Fueled by the desire to “see more workers in the harvest field”, MOSTY (the Czech word for bridges) not only aims to see short-term missionaries involved in mission, but also to serve the sending churches abroad.
Sociologists, theologians and missiologists are attending a global Lausanne Movement consultation on nominal Christianity in Rome.
We need the confidence that we have something worthy to say and the courage to say it.
More than 170 church planters from 29 countries met in Berlin for the NC2P gathering. The vision is to collaborate and learn from each other to reach Europe’s societies with the Gospel.
We thank God for the long and fruitful life of Billy Graham, as he joins the great cloud of witnesses, for his extraordinary influence and for the model he leaves of a life well-lived and a race well-run.
The evangelist was a key leader of the 20th century. Hundreds of thousands made a decision to follow Jesus after hearing him preaching the Gospel. Graham worked to unite evangelical Christians around mission movements.
The General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance focused on how the Gospel has power to build united, diverse and relational churches.
A short film shows the work of Pastor Gennaro Chiocca among victims of trafficking in Italy, the European country with the highest rate of prostitution.
“Somewhere in the French psyche, there is this idea that we are not sinful”, says pastor David Brown.
A look at polycentric missiology.
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