Ships are part of YWAM’s story. Today the fleet has grown to twenty eight vessels operating on all oceans and continents.
The Russian military seized a group of 10 Orphan’s Promise volunteers and refugees. Three remained detained and other is in the hospital.
Thousands of Germans travel to the island on their holidays. Over 160 Christians from Germany and Switzerland share the gospel with them, along with local believers.
New Life Radio in Odessa laments new laws restricting freedom of the press. The team had to start broadcasting from Romania after the Russian invasion.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
‘Industrials for Christ' brings together professionals and amateurs from the construction sector to reform Christian facilities and to help unbelievers know Christ better.
Zazpi Jausi “facilitates after-school sports practice” for dozens of children from vulnerable backgrounds. “It is an instrument of blessing”, say its founders
In a context of the war in Ukraine and after two online conference, participants saw the week in Wisla as a chance to renew the gospel vision for Europe.
The Derby-based ice cream business offers a workplace designed around the needs of people with a lived experience of slavery.
The Christian ship Logos Hope, with a crew of 60 nationalities and over 5,000 titles on board, also hosts cultural activities and social aid programmes.
The Jericho Foundation started in Edward Road Baptist church as a ‘jobs club’ for the vulnerable and excluded. In the last 15 years, it has directly supported over 8,000 people.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
We would be continually more marked, shaped, stirred, and matured, as we fix the gaze of our hearts on the wonder that is Christ himself.
Projekts MCR is a pioneering skatepark in Manchester. It is invitational to those who wouldn’t usually consider skateboarding.
Matias Radziwiluk, director of a Bible Institute in Ukraine, explains the key role of the church in responding to the humanitarian and spiritual challenge.
Women of Hope is focusing on specific regions where women are commonly abused and exploited and where many have never heard God’s message of redemption.
The Missions Working Group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance launches an initiative for the collaboration of churches and organisations that send missionaries from Spain.
We should be realistic about contributing factors of burnout, sensitive to underlying stressors, and proactive in our care for one another.
What Old Testament prophets would say if they travelled through time and visited our churches today? What would they say to preachers?
Thousands of devotionals from Our Daily Bread ministry are distributed to security forces in Brazil after an agreement with the Ministry of Justice.
A multi-national Children’s Ministry Report warns that “there needs to be clearer communication and a stronger sense of purpose amongst all who are involved in children’s faith formation”.
Take time to evaluate where you are at with inconsistency with women’s roles in your church, listen to how that makes women feel.
Our relationships with those who impose sanctions and those who suffer sanctions must be shaped not by our respective authorities but by the will and calling of our Savior.
A Christian couple serving among Afghan refugees arriving in Pakistan, explain their difficult situation, especially that of Christians with a Muslim background.
Holy Riders recently celebrated their 40th anniversary. “We exist in order to tell motorcyclists about Jesus and what He can do for them”, says their President.
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