The leader of the Liberal Democratic party (UK) is against the Brexit. “If we’re out of the EU on April 1, 2019, the Lib-Dems will call for the UK to rejoin on our terms.”
Rereading Schaeffer some thirty years later seems eerily prophetic.
A closer look at 2 Samuel 1:26.
A fresh look at the infamous Down-Grade controversy.
“We commit ourselves afresh to care pastorally for those who are same-sex attracted”, says a statement issued in Cairo (Egypt).
The study shows that the growing churches “held more firmly to the traditional beliefs of Christianity and were more diligent in things like prayer and Bible reading."
How can we work towards a new Reformation?
A brief genealogy of Theological Liberalism.
Seven theological differences between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Karl Barth.
Christians in Politics launch #DisagreeWell. Believers should be able to talk, listen to each other, and join political parties as well as other orgnisations in society.
Ten lessons that Will Graham learned from Ian Paisley's most famous sermon.
In terms of the Protestant evaluation of Roman Catholicism, Barth’s theology of the Word has weakened the evangelical ability to assess Rome having the Bible as supreme standard.
We ask David Randall about his decision to leave the Church of Scotland after 40 years of faithful service and about his new book ‘A Sad Departure’.
Public debate confronted views on penal substation and atonenement. Revd. David Robertson tells Evangelical Focus he thinks Church of Scotland will “prevent such a debate happening again.”
Where faith in the public square is discussed in the United Kingdom, it is approached at best from the perspective of a social scientist doing research on an alien species. At worst, faith positions are attacked as dangerous departures from the neo-liberal consensus.
Are all the questions raised in British media about the Christian faith of the new Liberal Party leader Tim Farron fair? David Robertson, evangelical believer and moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, shares his views in a BBC interview.
“Becoming a Christian was the most massive choice I have ever made”, says Tim Farron. He will conduct the country’s third biggest political party, after Nick Clegg's resignation.
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