You are so much more than you seem, you are so much more than what people see.
Candles can be vulnerable, but they can also burn brightly, lighting up a room, changing darkness into light.
Sensory Processing Disorder can mean that children or adults have under-developed or over-developed senses.
Much of our time as parents of children with additional needs is spent tending to their needs, supporting them. Jesus modelled this in so many ways during his ministry, and during those times that he served people he taught them too.
The 2020 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter Mead. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.
As students head off to university, there are several ways we can be praying very specifically for them.
Yes, he did. He made you perfectly, he made you wonderfully.
It’s not your fault that our child is Autistic. It’s not your fault that he has Learning Difficulties and struggles to communicate effectively. None of these things are your fault, or mine; they are no-one’s fault.
What do you see when you first meet a child with additional needs or a disability?
When I’m seeing parents who are looking for tips about how to support their child better in church, at home, and elsewhere, it’s often Mum that I see.
We might find ourselves washed up on the beach from time-to-time, but we and our child jump up and run back in to the surf once more to try again.
Jelena Sivulka, counsellor and founder of Hanina nada, talks about finding hope in Christ when dealing with disabilities. “God loves us for who we are. I share that with families of kids with special needs”, she says.
We have experienced a change of destination, we’ve ended up somewhere we didn’t expect, or initially want, to go… How will we respond? How will it affect us?
James’ Autism is neurodiversity, a different way of ‘being’. His brain is wired differently to mine, he thinks differently to me, sees and responds to the world differently to me.
James’ favourite song for me to sing with him is “Jesus loves me, this I know”.
A storm in a tea-cup is nothing, unless the tea-cup is your head!
Children have vivid imaginations. When you read them a story, they can see it happening.
“We have a responsibility to ensure the visibility of disabled people”.
Once you have prayed, wrestled, tried, failed, corrected and tried again, you may eventually arrive at a golden destination: an understanding of the text’s details in context.
Practical resources for advancing the Great Commission.
Intelligence is an extremely complex, contended subject, and there is plenty we still don’t know about animal intelligence, let alone human intelligence.
The network of Christian ministries working for the inclusion of people with disabilities celebrated its tenth European gathering in Riga (Latvia) with the participation of 12 countries.
The need for missional theological education that values the whole church.
You never forget what you learned as a child.
“You need unity in leadership, a clear vision, and people to see a church growing”, says church planter Oivind Augland, in an interview about church planting and growth.
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