While the Westminster Parliament in London debates a similar initiative for the UK, the island of 84,000 inhabitants has approved its own law, which Christian organisations oppose.
A house in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca hosts patients with long cancer treatments and their families. “God has done so many miracles for us”, says its director.
For those serving in Christian ministry, Long Covid has not only paused their work. The uncertainty and exhaustion has also raised questions about their personal faith.
For 7 months, Tim had digestive problems and fatigue, and still struggles with concentration. His mother also had to adapt her lifestyle to the long-term effects of Covid-19.
Fear is a feature of life in this fallen world. Fear Jesus, for he is more powerful and significant than any evil.
Iván Vázquez (33) with cerebral palsy, died from the Coronavirus. His mother Myriam shares how her faith in God helped her be with her son until his final breath.
The president of the French Evangelical Alliance, Christian Blanc, spent one month in the hospital infected with the coronavirus. “We must incarnate the gospel by being closer to the poor and the sick”.
The document by Spanish Christian psychologists was first translated into English, and now into Russian, Slovak, and other languages. “We want it to continue spreading for good, either for this crisis or for any future crisis”.
Like many believers, Philip Roth feels bewildered at the relationship that the Bible establishes between plagues and God’s judgement. But can we apply this to epidemics nowadays?
Marcos Zapata, President of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, explains what he learned as he was infected with Covid-19. “In the midst of this crisis, our churches can be light and bless our community”.
The coronavirus is taking many of our grandpas and grandmas. Most are on their own, isolated in hospitals, and we do not have the chance of giving them one last embrace.
Martin Luther encouraged believers to obey quarantine orders, fumigate their houses, and take precautions to avoid spreading the sickness. Anything less was ‘tempting God’.
Prevention is key but panic and fear are irrational feelings that only lead to impulse-driven decisions.
The draft law proposes euthanasia in a month for those with an incurable or disabling illness. Spanish evangelicals ask for “better palliative care and support for people in dependence”
More than 60,000 cases and 1,370 deaths have been reported worldwide. Christians in China preach the gospel and give out tracts and free masks.
Around 80% of sexually active people will get a STD. The average age of the patients has decreased.
The 23-month toddler passed away on early Saturday morning. Father Tom Evans: “Together we recognise the strains recent events have put upon us all”.
I think there are two key questions with this case: ‘What is the best way of managing Alfie?’ and ‘Who should ultimately decide what treatment he has?’
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