Self-declaration of age is not acceptable, says Ofcom. “Companies that fail to meet these new requirements can expect to face enforcement action”.
The ‘Love France’ initiative provides resources to pray for France; the safety and success of the games; the Church and the different evangelistic events in the Olympics.
In Spain, a group of Christians involved in creation care have published recommendations for both local churches and individual believers.
As we preach Christmas, lets think about tapping into the reality of that first Christmas, and to look toward Jesus and all that He means.
“It is vital that we do not turn a blind eye to this phenomenon in our churches”, says the Czech Evangelical Alliance. One in five women have been victims.
The evangelical entity launches a document addressing ten issues of general interest , to give a biblical perspective and encourage evangelicals to “vote wisely”.
The document launched by the government focuses on how religious expressions impact the relationships of co-workers.
A group of researchers discovered that certain arborical ant species use surprising algorithms to solve the problem of finding the shortest route.
A pastor and theology student analyses in a research paper the health of Spanish evangelical churches and their leadership regarding spiritual abuse.
Remember that God himself is the only one who can convince someone of the truth.
The European and World Evangelical Alliances also release a joint statement, suggesting several reasons to pray on Ukraine's independence day.
The new guide states that “non-crime hate incidents should not be recorded where they are trivial or irrational”. Christians have welcome the initiative.
A resource prepared by the European Evangelical Alliance helps to think through ways in which Christians can engage responsibly with election times.
The “extremely rare” inscription from around 1,100 BCE bears the name Jerubbaal, which in the Book of Judges is an alternative name for Gideon.
The Global Youth Culture Study found out about their struggles, beliefs, relationships, connectedness and who and what influences them.
7 Conversations is a suite of interactive multimedia resources. The aim is to help local churches “to thrive among all generations and bring young adults to faith in Jesus”.
The Infancy Working Group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance launches a Protocol for Child Protection. “We still have a long way to go”, says Javier Martín.
“We have a responsibility to prevent, to react and to set an example in whatever we can do”, the CNEF says. Since 2019, eleven cases in evangelical churches have been reported.
Journeying alongside local churches in the Philippines. An article by Jojie Wong.
God has given us the best map to guide us on our way: the Bible.
The second edition of the ‘survival manual’ published last May aims to be “a professional guide that also reflects our biblical worldview”, to deal with the impact of the ‘second wave’.
The manual emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and encourages Christians to trust God and “be witnesses of Jesus in these times”.
For Christians readjusting to life emerging from lockdown, we should be seeking the common good by respecting the law and following any guidelines.
The document by Spanish Christian psychologists was first translated into English, and now into Russian, Slovak, and other languages. “We want it to continue spreading for good, either for this crisis or for any future crisis”.
Over 50 psychologists in Spain have come together to produce a 60-page guide related to the Covid-19 crisis. It is available in English and Spanish.
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