In a major speech in 2016, President Xi Jinping called for the ‘sinicization of religion’. For the Chinese Communist Party, the rise of religion, especially Christianity and Islam, represents an existential threat to its political health.
The government survey takes place every 10 years. “If you're not sure how to answer, use the sex registered on your official documents (…) or whichever answer best describes your sex”, the guidance for 2021 says.
Five Star Movement party reaches an agreement with the Democratic Party. His return will not bring any change in religious freedom issues.
“Many more churches are threatened with closure, amid denial of formal registration and recognition by authorities”, the World Evangelical Alliance says in a statement.
“The number of violent attacks against Christians has alarmingly increased in the three years of President Rodrigo Duterte’s government”, Christian organisations in the Philippines say.
According to a Pew Research survey, “52 countries impose high levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007”. Social hostilities have grown even more.
The Foreign Affairs Office releases the long-awaited Independent Review on Persecuted Christians. It was commissioned by Jeremy Hunt, who could become the next Prime Minister.
Rev. Iftikhar Indryas, founder of the New Covenant Christian School, explains the issues the educational project is facing. He calls to pray for the “spiritual, physical and intellectual well-being” of Pakistani Christians.
One million species are threatened with extinction, a UN report warns. Ruth Valerio, Global Advocacy and Influencing Director of Tearfund, shares ideas about how to care for creation through everyday actions.
Likud and Blue and White parties tied with 35 seats each, but almost all right-wing parties will recommend Netanyahu to form the next government. He has been indicted on bribery and fraud.
Informants can earn up to 10,000 yuan (1,300 Euro) for tips leading to the arrest of non-Chinese religious leaders. The crackdown on unregistered Protestant churches in Southern China intensifies.
The government of Emmanuel Macron is working on a modification of the religion law of 1905.
“Dear Bigots, you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon”, read government-paid posters on public transport.
After one year in captivity, “the least we can do is to stand with her, to protest and to pray until we see her released”, says Mervyn Thomas of Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
What is a Christian response to the bewildering parliamentary pantomime we’re currently watching of MPs trying to deal with Brexit?
The UK government has ordered a review “to map Christian persecution worldwide, and make recommendations on the practical steps it can take to support those under threat”.
The draft law seeks the independence of any religion, and to optimize the times and procedures for the granting of legal entity to churches and religious evangelical entities.
According to the government, 508 Coptic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic churches have received its approval since February. At the same time, eleven churches were shut down.
The training of imams, the foreign influence on Germany's mosques, and the role of Islamic theology in universities, were some of the topics discussed at the German Islam Conference.
Christians in Parliament published a consultation which “seeks to explore how living out Christian faith in UK interacts with public institutions”.
The regional government of Navarre (Spain) implements a controversial plan for children between 0 and 18 years old. Gender ideology is promoted with new LGBT laws.
“As a nation we confront our failure to listen, to believe, and to provide justice. We say sorry”, Scott Morrison said in a public speech at the Parliament.
Around 4,000 left Honduras to find a better life in Mexico and the US. World Vision calls for “a joint action between churches, civil society, companies and authorities to provide humanitarian aid”.
The UK Equalities Office asks citizens how to improve the legal gender recognition process in a public consultation.
“We have a responsibility to ensure the visibility of disabled people”.
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