Around 1800 people from 160 churches gathered throughout Spain to pray for the persecution of Christians. “There are no closed borders, prisons or doors when we pray”.
Macron announces the end of the state of emergency, but faith groups become more vulnerable as government gains power to investigate hate speech.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
There is a slavery that is all the more insidious for being largely hidden and undetected: the slavery of sin.
The local government poverty-relief programme aims to “transform believers in religion into believers in the party”.
The Anglican Church and other evangelical movements such as Hillsong ask the parliament to protect freedom of speech in the new legislation.
Local Christians and Jews who aim to leave clandestinity will take part in conference on freedom of belief in Rabat.
Sundays 5th and 12th of November have been set apart to advocate and pray for the Persecuted Church. This year’s motto is “From ashes to glory”.
Speaking in Wittenberg on 31 October, the German Chancellor said the Reformation anniversary is “a great opportunity to strengthen the awareness about the Christian roots in our society”.
“It is a well-planned conspiracy against the Christian community”, pastor Johnson Sathyanathan, president of the Synod of Pentecostal Churches of Coimbator, says.
Some political parties had asked the AEE to propose specific amendments to the law. The draft law would affect freedom of speech, the education of children and would put pressure on the media.
World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Efraim Tendero and national evangelical leaders meet the Kosovan Head of State. Thaçi underlines his commitment to religious freedom and inter-faith dialogue.
We should pause to ask what causal links can be demonstrated between the Reformation and economic growth, democratic stability, and social justice in Protestant-background countries.
The European Freedom Network, formed by more than 200 partner organisations, becomes a legal entity. Experts, campaigners and Christian workers shared resources at the 2017 “Bridge” conference.
Since 2012, Sudan has expelled foreign Christians and bulldozed dozens of church buildings on the pretext that they belonged to South Sudanese.
It is unusual that the Council of a big Spanish city officially promotes and supports an evangelical event.
Other shipments of Bibles at Port Sudan have also been detained over the past two years. “It is difficult to get Bibles in the country”, a church leader says.
A person has an inherited dignity, regardless of whether he/she is healthy, sick, disabled, or suffering
The northwestern German state has formally banned 2 Hells Angels groups. "Their everyday lives consist of forced prostitution, violence, weapons, and drugs", NRW state Interior Minister says.
What if, when a police chief or politician spoke about human trafficking, we were ready to respond with our stories and expertise?
On October, 15, churches celebrate #FreedomSunday to raise awareness of world’s fastest growing global crime. Other initiatives all around the world include conferences and marches for freedom.
President Erdogan suggests he would be open to a prisoner exchange with the US. The pastor's wife shares a song he has written in prison: “My tears and pain I lift up as an offering”.
“It is in our humanitarian tradition as evangelical Christians to extend human rights to all groups, including the unborn”, says Evangelical Alliance Ireland Executive Director Nick Park.
The traditional terms are replaced by BCE – Before Common Era, and CE – Common Era. Using the traditional form does not offend Jews, says one of its leaders in the UK.
The position of the European Evangelical Alliance summarised in fifteen ideas.
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