The consequences of neglecting our responsibility to each other and our shared home are no longer distant, they are here now, and the church cannot wait any longer to act.
There is a loss of comfort: the town is not what it used to be. There is indignation with the politicians. But there are also the unresolved questions: Why am I alive and others are not? Why did I lose only my car while others lost their homes and businesses?
We had no electricity, no phone network, not much else we could do. My daughter suggested reading a Psalm and praying for those neighbours who we eventually learned were rescued.
Thanksgiving also makes sense here in Paiporta, one of the towns most affected by the flood one month ago.
Christian psychologist, Abigail Castellanos, shares her experience serving in the distribution of aid among flood victims, and in coordinating the reception of volunteers.
My description of our “new normal”, which will remain abnormal for weeks to come, could be read as complaining, but in my mind it is exactly the opposite, I feel grateful.
Three Christian managers from Valencia share how they are turning the nightmare into opportunities to serve others in the aftermath of the floods.
In addition to urgent aid for the flood victims in Valencia, other initiatives emerge, such as a project to furnish affected homes. “The Gospel provides a refuge”, says its coordinator.
Today's mud is a lesson for tomorrow, hard and difficult to take, but it must do more than that, it cannot be in vain.
At least 213 people have died and dozens have disappeared in various towns in the regions of Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia.
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
Torrential rains flood the Rio Grande do Sul region, leaving at least 29 dead and 60 missing. The Brazilian Evangelical Alliance has appealed to churches for help.
Spanish Christian geographer Miguel Wickham analyses the severe drought that is hitting Southern Europe.
Evangelicals in the region mobilise on the ground. “We desire to help our brothers in Christ and be useful for the community”.
The victims were bathing in a river during a spiritual retreat when the water level rose abruptly.
The floods were caused by heavier than usual monsoon rains and melting glaciers in the northern mountainous regions that followed a severe heat wave. We need to address climate change.
Since mid-June, floods of “apocalyptic proportions” have caused overflowing waters throughout the country, leaving over 1,200 people dead and affecting 33 million.
Pray for Ethiopia and wisdom for both, the government of Prime Minister Ahmed and the leadership of the various Christian churches.
Miguel Wickham analyses the IPCC climate experts' report, which warns of serious consequences for habitability if temperatures continue to rise as a result of human action.
Pastors of two churches affected by the floods in Belgium see the situation as “an opportunity to talk to neighbours, some of whom tell us quite shocking stories”.
Over 200 people has died in the floods that specially hit Germany and Belgium. Protestant leaders call to pray and expressed gratitude for those who are helping.
In March of 2019, the tropical cyclone destroyed 90% of Beira, the second most important city in the country.
Authorities confirm that at least 6 people died as torrential rain floods coastal southeastern Spain. Around 3,700 have been evacuated.
The cyclone Idai has devastated the Centre of the country, damaging the supplies of water and electricity. More than 200 people have died, but authorities fear a death toll of one thousand.
“Pray for Sierra Leone”, the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone asks. Several pastors and members, including many children, of Christian churches have died.
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