Believers and not-yet-believers, Bible literate and Bible unaware, churched and newcomers, etc. Do we have all of them in mind when we preach?
Authentic expository preaching is not only faithful to the biblical text, but it also requires effective communication from the preacher that emphasizes relevance to the listener.
God, the Bible, the communicators and listeners, are all critical features of expository preaching.
The goal of preaching, theologically, is not just to learn about God, but to encounter Him, to enjoy Him, and be united to Him.
Not all topical sermons are created equal. What is the difference? Whether or not it is expository topical.
It is not the preacher’s job to “make the text relevant”, but to underline, to emphasize how it is relevant to the particular listeners before us.
A good expository preacher knows that a story has its own way of carrying and conveying its point.
More than 140 preachers from different evangelical denominations encouraged each other to preach from the Word of God to today's culture. Chris Wright, Mark Meynell and Alex Chiang participated.
The preacher will have a lot more material after the exegesis than they are able to present in the sermon.
By reinforcing and reviewing a Bible book, the series allows for the teaching to sink in and be applied more effectively.
Not only should a preacher use good hermeneutics in the study, but they should exemplify good hermeneutics in the presentation.
No matter how well you can communicate or how clever you are, you cannot make the Bible say something better than God made it say.
Andrés Reid leads preaching workshops in Spain. He emphasises the importance of looking for excellence, being faithful to the Bible and living lives that shine in society.
Listeners are impacted when the unique message of a passage is planted in their hearts.
As a preacher, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the expectations of others.
The participants of the “Preaching Workshop” come from “a wide diversity of backgrounds and denominations”. One of its aims is “to train a whole new generation of Bible preachers in Spain”.
Both content and form speak of the divine heart beating on every page of the Bible.
How to prepare an expository sermon.
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