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Preaching to a mixed crowd (part II)

Believers and not-yet-believers, Bible literate and Bible unaware, churched and newcomers, etc. Do we have all of them in mind when we preach?

BIBLICAL PREACHING AUTOR 108/Peter_Mead 27 DE MARZO DE 2025 09:47 h
People listening to a sermon come from different backgrounds. / Photo: [link]Headway[link], Unsplash, CC0.

So, we covered five principles for preaching to a mixed crowd in part 1. Now, I’d like to share a starter guide to evaluating the mix that makes up your congregation. 

Take this list and prayerfully think through it, making notes about the different groups in your church. Consider which groups are bigger, and which are smaller but still present. 

Then, perhaps share your thoughts with someone else involved in the leadership of your church. Together, you will be able to pray for your church and preach more effectively to your church.

1. Believers and not-yet-believers – what is the mix?  How would you describe the believers?  How would you describe the not-yet-believers?

2. Bible literate and Bible unaware – what is the range of biblical awareness in your church?  Where do the majority currently stand on that continuum?

3. Churched and unchurched (guests/newcomers) – how often do you get visitors coming to the church?  Do people feel confident to bring guests along? 

4. Mix of ages in the church – what is the proportion of children, youth, students, young adults, established adults, older working-aged adults, retirees, and older seniors?

5. Lifestages in the church – as you consider the ages, how would you describe the life stages?  Are people out of work, jumping between jobs, established in their careers?  Are the empty nesters settled or struggling?  What is the nature of the life experience of the seniors in the church?

6. The gender mix in the church – there are two options, but what do you observe about numbers?  In couples where only one is a believer, which gender is typically a believer? 

7. Education and employment – what type and level of education do people have in the church?  How many had no higher education?  What about university educated?  What about vocationally trained?  Or higher degrees?  What type of employment do people have?  How financially stable and secure are the households in the congregation?

8. Family dynamics – consider the make-up of the church in terms of married and single.  Are the married couples doing well relationally?  And what about the single people?  How many are content long-term single, disappointed long-term single, young adults, newly single by divorce, etc.?  And what about parents?  Parents of young, of teens, of adults?  Broken marriages?  Blended families?  What about those with responsibilities for elderly parents?

9. Nationality and culture – how many of the church are local first language speakers?  What about non-local first-language speakers?  And non-local second language speakers?  Are internationals newly arrived or more settled? Are the internationals from various nations, or are there larger groups from specific countries? What are the dynamics within those groups and between the groups?

10. Is the congregation typical of the locality, or is the congregation “travelling in” to a central hub?  Do people live in the community the church is trying to reach?  Where do guests come from?  Are guests able to connect with church regulars?

11. What other factors come to mind as you evaluate your congregation?

If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out our discussion about preaching to a mixed crowd on The Biblical Preaching Podcast.

Peter Mead is mentor at Cor Deo and author of several books. He blogs at Biblical Preaching.




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