“In the midst of pain, God promised that it can be really well with your soul”, psychologist Jelena Sivulka says in an interview about the value of suffering in Christian life.
The secret of forgiveness is not what we do but what God has already done.
Church leaders are usually “at the limit of their emotional and spiritual resources”, says José Hutter, theologian and pastor in Spain. A national seminar will address the challenges of Christian leadership.
Ten reasons why Will Graham admires the American preacher, Paul Washer.
At least 5% of men between 18 and 24 years old have some form of gambling addiction. “Technology makes gambling easier”, Christian expert says.
A climate of tension surrounds the Dutch general election, which will be held on Wednesday 15. The Missie Nederland General Secretary, Jan C. Wessels, hopes “the values of the Dutch people, which are partly rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, will conquer.”
Whatever your fears are (timidity, challenges, etc.), here’s a piece of advice: if Jesus asks you to walk on water, don’t think about it too much, just do it…
The ancient town is mentioned in the books of Joshua and 1 Samuel. Excavations start in August.
The forgotten doctrine of the fear of God.
At about 40 light-years from Earth, it is possible that some of them could have water on their surface.
“You need unity in leadership, a clear vision, and people to see a church growing”, says church planter Oivind Augland, in an interview about church planting and growth.
Astronomers found the Milky Way is speeding away from a large, previously unseen void.
What are the priorities that Christ incarnated with his life?
A stamp to commemorate Cardinal Cisneros will be issued. Evangelicals had proposed a stamp on the first Spanish Bible translation, but it was denied.
The Unamuno prize was awarded to writer and academic Antonio Muñoz Molina, for “his appreciation to the so-called ‘Bear Bible’.”
Beginning in the USA and expanding then to Europe, we witness the rise of a rampant individualism where “my rights” are the primary interest.
“We can really be a force for good”, says Leif Nummela, Editor-in-Chief for the Finnish Christian magazine Uusi Tie, in an interview about the importance of investigative journalism.
Apparently, we all agree that the value of a person doesn’t depend as much from their doing as from their being. But, what does the world understand by being?
Earwigs are calm and peaceful insects which feed on aphids and sea-slug eggs, which makes them beneficial for agriculture.
Research shows that around 70% of US Evangelicals believe evolution is probably or definitely false, while 28% of them said that the climate is not changing.
A Bible Gateway research shows the most popular Bible verses, keyword searchs, and other interesting statistics. John 3:16 is, again, the most searched verse of 2016.
More than 100 evangelical entities had supported the petition.
There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke, a study says.
Hundreds were injured, roads and buildings have been heavily affected in Aceh (Sumatra island). The area was devastated by a massive tsunami in December 2004.
“Haitian believers will someday be the channel through which God will restore this country”. Miqueas Forster (GAiN Spain) just returned from a humanitarian trip to the country.
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