“Gospel, identity and coexistence” were the themes of the General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance. Two days in Palma de Mallorca to reflect about the role of evangelical churches in society.
The World Evangelical Alliance admits that “evangelical-Catholic relations are a highly sensitive issue for evangelicals in many parts of the world”, and says it will seek better communication with its members.
In an increasingly uncivil environment, Christian Unions provide an unequalled safe space in which to proclaim a dangerous and life-transforming message.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa says “the Church’s response promises great prospects in charting a Zimbabwe that God wants”. Believers in Zimbabwe call “for national dialogue”.
Prime Minister Rajoy has asked Catalan President Puigdemont to confirm whether or not he has declared independence. It is the first step towards suspending Catatonia’s autonomy.
Jesus taught us to pray for God’s reign to come, that is, for his will to be done on earth, in Europe, in Spain and in Catalonia.
The responsibility of the media (whether television, radio, print or digital media) is very high in an environment like the current one in Spain.
Catalan President speaks of declaring independence in the “next few days”. Evangelicals call politicians to “deactivate the conflict with honest and sincere dialogue”.
The German Evangelical Alliance issues a guide for the national election and encourages churches to “seek direct dialogue” with candidates.
In search of authenticity (3): Francis Schaeffer’s interest was not so much to win arguments, but to win people.
How can we know when instead of promoting the gospel in our context, we are merely reflecting the cultural and sub-cultural norms of our context?
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
About 300 participants took part in the first FOJEC conference. A biblical view of business as well as study cases were shared with a generation eager to make a lasting impact in society.
If we would talk as much with Muslims as we do about them, Europe would be a different place.
Fundamentalist Muslims, Reformed Muslims, Converted Muslims, Secular Muslims... There are at least 11 ways this faith is lived out in Europe.
Islam is in Europe to stay, albeit progressively and in different forms. Different versions and traditions of Islam compete with each other. It has become Europe’s second religion after Christianity.
Bilbao hosted the Spanish Evangelical Alliance's annual meeting (assembly). Politicians, professors and evangelical representatives shared views on social reconciliation. The theme was also analysed from a theological perspective and in workshops.
Representatives of 11 countries met in the Czech Republic to discuss the present and future of theological education in Central and Eastern Europe.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
The PM gets one third of the votes and widens the distance with the Leftist parties. Agreement with other parties is still needed to end the half-year long political deadblock.
Italian pastor Giovanni Traettino believes “the Word of God is moving and acting in the Catholic Church.” The Pentecostal leader encourages other churches to have an “open” approach to the Vatican. “Pope Francis is my brother in Christ”, he says in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
Should the protest of Reformed Christians against laws allowing shopping on Sunday be heeded? Do transgendered people have a right to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with?
The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) welcomes the appointment. President Juncker announced that the former Education commissioner Jan Figel’ will take on a one year mandate.
The Oxford Mathematics Professor spoke to 230 participants at the 2016 Apologetics Forum (Spain). John Lennox encouraged Christians to ask good questions and listen more. “We should get rid of the idea that apologetics is only for ‘smart’ Christians.”
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance believes the views of evangelical minorities in Catholic countries should be “heared” before relating to the Vatican. In an interview with Evangelical Focus, he also highlighted the role of the churches in the refugee crisis.
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