About 90 people will attend the European creation care conference near Nice (France). “Churches have been lacking a vision that puts creation care at the heart of daily discipleship, worship and mission”, says Dave Bookless.
James Robson, new Director of Keswick Ministries, explains his views on Christian unity and the role of believers in a secularised society.
Theologian Don Carson spoke on the freedom offered by the gospel. Rising numbers of children and youth among the 4,000 conventioners visiting the English Lake District each week.
The Keswick Convention (UK), now 142 years old, seeks to serve “the next generation of Christians” through the Derwent project. The gifts of hundreds of small donors will make it a reality.
Around 10,000 gathered in Le Havre to pray and reflect about the Reformation. Nick Vujicic was the main speaker. Additionally, 1,000 young people were sent to evangelism projects all around France.
Hundreds of young participants meet in Le Havre to receive training, enjoy fellowship, take part in social projects and share the gospel. A big celebration on France’s national day will close the week.
Around 300 representatives participated in the annual Baptist World Alliance gathering in Thailand. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis and the needs of refugees were also highlighted.
“Nursing Theses: 500 years after Luther’s 95 theses” was the paper presented by evangelical professionals at a congress with 8,200 nurses from 135 countries.
About 300 participants took part in the first FOJEC conference. A biblical view of business as well as study cases were shared with a generation eager to make a lasting impact in society.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
The 2017 European Leadership Forum gathered hundreds in Poland to celebrate the Reformation and connect to better share the gospel in diverse national contexts. See picture gallery.
About 800 participants will travel to Poland to take part in specialised networks. John Lennox will be the main Bible teacher during the annual gathering, which aims to strengthen God’s mission in European countries.
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
Around 130 delegates from different parts of the country reflected on the role of Christians. A manual for counselling the victims of violence has been published.
A summary video of the IFES Europe conference which brought together 1,700 students from many countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany) to reflect on God's mission in society.
About 160 participants from 28 countries met in Hungary for practical training, resources and networking. It has been the most attended Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable so far.
Bilbao hosted the Spanish Evangelical Alliance's annual meeting (assembly). Politicians, professors and evangelical representatives shared views on social reconciliation. The theme was also analysed from a theological perspective and in workshops.
The Farmers Conference showed how the Christian faith is lived out in the world of agriculture. New generations shared their views.
Spanish group Evangelicals in Economy and Business organises conference for business leaders. Meeting regularly with fellow believers is “vitally important”, says experienced businessman Peter Briscoe.
The youth event in Switzerland had live music, international speakers and time to study Scripture in small groups. “We love the #Bible and we are fascinated by it”.
Indian author Vishal Mangalwadi spoke about how the biblical worldview shaped the West. 300 professionals attended annual GBG meeting on faith and work in Cullera (Spain). Photos: J.P. Serrano, S. Vera.
In New York, 3,500 people from over ninety countries were challenged to have an impact in urban areas in the spheres of action, social involvement and culture. Bill Hybels, Timothy Keller and Mac Pier among more than 50 speakers.
Refugees, politicians, and members of churches listened to each other in Bern. Local projects were awarded for their pioneer work with migrants.
“We commit ourselves afresh to care pastorally for those who are same-sex attracted”, says a statement issued in Cairo (Egypt).
Movement Day Global Cities brought together 3,500 participants from 90 countries. About 50 speakers reflected in New York on the impact of the gospel in the big metropolis.
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