Images of the fifth EFN gathering. Experts, activists, counsellors and church leaders met in Pescara, Italy.
Experts, activists and representatives of 90 organisations met in Pescara (Italy) for the fifth European Freedom Network Bridge conference. The platform is led by Christians.
740 evangelical leaders connected for mission in Wisla (Poland). Ramez Atallah led the Bible expositions on 2 Corinthians. Seminars, thematic networks, and resources were available at the annual gathering.
Evangelical leaders from across Europe meet in Wisla (Poland) to network for mission in a range of fields. The vision is to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe.
Aim to build up, don’t hype up. Be sure to treat people as real people – both the unknown person you are speaking to and the famous person who just walked past you.
The 2019 European Freedom Network conference will be held in Italy. “God has used many instrumental Christians over time to address the issue of slavery”, says Leanne Rhodes.
The group representing global conservative Anglicans will not attend the once in a decade conference organised by the Archbishop of Canterbury to protest the liberal shift of pro-LGBT bishops.
Human identity, the role of media, and the protection of family were some of the issues addressed during the annual general assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
Love is really a quality of relationship, and biblical law shows us what loving relationships look like, in contrast to unjust or abusive ones, across a wide range of settings.
“The marketplace is the perfect place to build community and to show people who Jesus is, as well as having a positive social and economic impact”, says Mark Plummer.
One hundred Czech Christian leaders worked in thematic networks. Seminars addressed issues like the generational divides, church finances, and the use of pornography among Christians.
In a conference, the global Anglican movement supported “brothers and sisters living in restricted situations seeking to remain faithful to Christ”.
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
The President of the Spanish region of Murcia opened Idea2019, the General Assembly of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance. “If there were many evangelicals, this region would be better”.
Photos of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance’s annual gathering “Idea 2019”, in Murcia. Politicians and church leaders discussed about the role of minorities in society.
Around 750 women gathered in Spain under the motto “Our Mission: Bringing His Kingdom” .
The celebrations in Brussels included a roundtable on integration of Muslims in Europe and finished with a thanksgiving service at the Chapel of Europe.
Pioneers of the evangelical student movement in Spain were honoured in a special celebration. Around 500 people gathered for a national conference with the theme “Shining Like Stars”.
More than 750 have already registered for a conference that aims to equip and inspire thousands of students and graduates “full of faith that God can do amazing things in Europe”.
The training of imams, the foreign influence on Germany's mosques, and the role of Islamic theology in universities, were some of the topics discussed at the German Islam Conference.
The media frequently relate the theory of a flat Earth to “fundamentalist Christianity”. Scientists Antoine Bret and Antonio Cruz explain the lack of credibility of a theory that has no scientific or theological support.
The organisers suggested that lack of confidence in the gospel is the main factor inhibiting the church’s effective witness to Christ today.
It has been great to see how students in Europe have gained new confidence to proclaim the gospel publicly.
Around 200 evangelists from 40 countries met to share resources and experience for the proclamation of the gospel in European universities.
Around 280 people attended the Christian Surfers International Gathering in France. Phil Williams: “At the heart of what we do is our relationship with God, and how we react in our community”.
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