Pastor Pietro Evangelista runs an association to help those affected by the earthquakes in Italy. "We want them to know that the evangelical church is present", he says.
PM Theresa May says gay marriage “has to be a matter for the church.” House of Commons speaker, John Bercow, says marriage equality will only exist when same-sex couples can marry in churches.
Spanish preacher and songwriter Alex Sampedro: “It is time to make it clear that we want to bless the cities, we want to present Jesus to the people around us.”
Three months ago, Hinduist activists videotaped pastor Sultan Masih as they accused him of paying people to convert to Christianity. Family receives support of police and government.
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
How can we know when instead of promoting the gospel in our context, we are merely reflecting the cultural and sub-cultural norms of our context?
The deepening partisan ideological divide in all sectors of US society will mean that governance will most likely lurch from one extreme to another. This will have major ramifications for the church and mission.
Around 1,000 young people receive training and share Jesus’ message in a week-long urban camp. The 500th anniversary celebrations will close with a big festive event in the centre of Madrid.
A church leader in India explains how networks of small Christian communities apply the gospel in their local contexts. “Discipleship needs to be a very collaborative work”.
It hurts when people’s grievances seem to inevitably hit the most visible targets in the church, which tends to be those who lead and preach.
Ravi Zacharias spoke at the General Assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Hundreds joined a march in Rome to pray for the country.
Jay Eastman talks about the foundation of disciple-making leadership in an interview. “Out of the identity of being one with Christ, we are able to feed other fellow sheep.”
Honesty is the most important ministry quality for Millennials, who are optimistic about their giving, self-motivated, and expect ministries to show the love of Jesus.
As a preacher, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the expectations of others.
A letter distributed on social media asks for the “attacks against the church” to stop. Twenty-five buildings are set to be demolished, but Christians in the country are “very resilient”, a source says.
A Christian in Spain built a diorama to tell both children and adults about Hus, Luther, Calvin and the impact of the first Bible translations five centuries ago.
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
Half of the 62 victims died in their cars while trying to escape the flames. As Portugal recovers from the shock, churches in the region offer support.
Some churches get very upset if the preacher uses any humour in the pulpit. Other churches esteem humour above all else that comes from the pulpit.
“Belief-based intolerance and discrimination of refugees is a pan-European problem”, Christian organisations said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
Evangelical pastor Hector Peñafiel, a welding master, uses his skills to teach his profession and share the gospel with asylum seekers. “They can plan their future now”, he says.
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
About 300 participants took part in the first FOJEC conference. A biblical view of business as well as study cases were shared with a generation eager to make a lasting impact in society.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
Spanish evangelicals launch a series of videos explaining how the Reformation has impacted society. In July, Madrid will host the “15J”, a week with a Congress, evangelism and concerts to commemorate the 500th anniversary.
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