Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
Participants from 12 countries met near Barcelona. “The gift of the evangelist was stirred afresh as we prayed, worshipped and dared to ask God for Europe”.
Theologian José Hutter addresses the challenges evangelical churches have faced in the last decade, including same-sex marriage and the split between Western historic churches and the Christian majority in Africa and Latin America.
“There have been many, many times, particularly soon after ‘D’ was diagnosed, when I’d love to have just been able to run away from it all” . 12 testimonies.
The leader of the German Evangelical Alliance says the lack of humanity in returning Christian converts to Islamist countries harms Germany’s own value system.
Don’t babysit children when they could be absorbing truth.
Most European Christians have lived through the secularisation process and so they have been conditioned to see it as normal.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
Muslim government officials attended the Christmas service of Khartoum Bahri Evangelical Church, a congregation the previous government harassed for years.
A radical feminist group claims the attack. It caused damages of 40,000 Euro, but pastor says the church “hopes and prays for a peaceful coexistence” in Tübingen.
Pastor Wang Yi is accused of “subversion and illegal trade”. He will be deprived of his political rights and his personal assets will be seized. Another elder of his church has been sentenced to 4 years.
“Evangelicals for Trump” will be presented in a Miami megachurch. A growing number of Christian voices warn that an uncritical attachment to the President could damage the gospel witness.
Pastor of Open Heavens church in London and his 16-year-old son, drowned in a swimming pool on the Costa del Sol, in a failed attempt to rescue her 9-year-old daughter.
Ethnic Wa rebels closed the churches in September 2018, destroyed at least 10 church buildings and detained more than 200 Christians who were later released.
For Western European churches mission could be translated as: “Let’s go to other countries to serve”. However, for most Eastern European countries missiology is merely similar to theology.
The traditional evangelical event in the Spanish city was held in a central theatre of the city.
The Prime Minister resigns after large demonstrations against political corruption and the precarious economic situation. More than 400 people died in the last 2 months.
Persecution rising toward levels under Chairman Mao.
Strengthening the church in the face of a troublesome trend.
The inequality between East and West is still visible in issues such as migration and employment. “Christians need to get involved at all levels”, says Evi Rodemann of the Lausanne Movement Europe.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
It might be more helpful to talk about Europe in the plural, to accept that there are probably several different versions of Europe.
European Christians are called to pray from January 12-19. The prayer guide contains “biblical devotion and prayer points for each day”.
Pro-life leaders denounced that the president intends to covertly approve a pro-abortion statute. Fabricio Alvarado, leader of the Costa Rican opposition party, participated in the march.
“Let’s begin to raise awareness, respond to this responsibility before God. Let’s plant churches, but also trees”, said Lowell Bliss co-director of the Christian Climate Observer Program.
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