Africa has become “an easy prey, because of its vulnerability and the abiding Western interest in the region”, says the Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
A survey shows that 61% agrees. Only people under 30 and Muslims say businesses should be open on Sundays.
Läderach had suffered attacks against its shops and boycott calls by political parties. The reason is the founding family’s support for the March for Life and their Christian views on marriage and family.
The Modern Slavery law would give victims at least 12 months of guaranteed support. Charity CARE asks Christians to contact their local MP to support the initiative.
In Haiti I have perceived, more than anywhere else, that physical battles are also spiritual battles, and that visible suffering is the result of the invisible tension between the world of darkness and the light of Christ.
“We do not take a 13-year-old boy to a sex-shop, not anything goes in the digital world”, French President Emmanuel Macron said in a speech at UNESCO.
The decision would allow the Vatican to hand over documents concerning crimes against children. Survivors associations respond with caution.
Dozens participated in an event in Madrid. “We must fight against violence from all spheres: social, political, legal, economic, cultural ... but we offer another way: Christ”, they said in a manifesto.
Christians need to be more aware of the use of data concerning them, and of both the opportunities and risks associated with AI.
To act justly is to pay fair wages, and also to pay workers in a fair manner.
Chick-fil-A, founded by a Baptist, now announces it will no longer support the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
According to the police, the person under arrest is acused of sexually assaulting a 17 year old girl inside the church building. Neither the pastor nor the community are part of the Spanish Federation of Evangelical Entities.
A regional deputy of the Lega party proposed to use “women in shop windows” to relaunch tourism.
The US President presents a plan that includes the creation of “a coalition of businesses for the protection of religious freedom”.
We can fall into the 'busyness' of doing many things, possibly even for God and for fellow- Christians... but without having sought God's face.
The team of medical doctors were taking part in a humanitarian trip with the NGO MedFund. “Pray for every family member and survivor”.
Confronting gender bias and cen in reintegration.
Photos of the Lausanne Movement Global Workplace Forum, celebrated in Manila.
Christian experts agree that education is key to fight pornography. “Talks and preachings about sexuality are necessary in our churches” to help “parents to educate their children biblically”.
Embracing our mission of holistic transformation.
Research in Spain fuels the political debate about limiting the power of the porn industry. Christian activists have long been alerting about the damaging effects on children and youth.
The working party in charge of studying the implication of the seal in the context of protecting children from abuse did not reach a consensus. The Church of England has been criticised because of this decision.
Images of child rape are available online long after the victims are rescued, the Internet Watch Foundation said in a recent report. “The cause of the problem is the demand”.
“Mandatory age verification is a world first, we want the UK to be the safest place to be online”, government says. Measure will come into force in July.
According to a ComRes survey, only 46% of those who identify with the Christian faith believe in the Easter message. The poll also quizzed people on their views around forgiveness.
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