It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
Spanish evangelical psychiatrist Pablo Martínez talks about Andreas Lubitz’s behaviour and the mourning of the families.
The piece that doesn’t fit is called God and it gives meaning and perspective to all the other pieces.
In Christianity, accessing a new way of life, the eternal life, implies swapping one type of slavery for another, although these types of slavery are worlds apart in form and intention.
The story of “The Crucible” reveals a dark side to the United States, where many people are still trying to build a New Jerusalem.
‘Love never ends’ (1 Cor 13:8). Building a kind of love that puts out divorce.
One thing I dislike is how Michelangelo depicts God as leaving man to fend for himself on earth. Once Adam awakens from his drowsy snooze, the Father is hidden behind a reddish veil whereby only His hand can be seen.
On the fourth anniversary of the Fukushima quake-tsunami, there are still many people and places affected.
The fact is that we are essentially consuming experiences and our thirst doesn’t seem to go away, but to increase.
How do Protestants differ from non-Protestants in their behaviour? Are their communities more democratic, horizontal or concerned by their neighbours? Do they have less corruption and abuse?
Many churches worldwide prayed for the persecuted Church in their Sunday services the 22nd February, following the initiative.
In this second article I am focusing on the growth of Pentecostalism and the so called prosperity gospel.
Sometimes, even in our Christian life, obedience results in sadness.
According to a report by Pew Reasearch, the Catholic Church has suffered considerable losses following a move by its members to Evangelical churches.
So often, we’re believers who hide under the bed or under a rug, whose main desire is to remain unnoticed so that nobody condemns us to such an extent that we’re unable to deal with it.
How many times have we wondered why somebody who professes to love us so much -a relative, our spouse, our child, a friend or a colleague- treats us in a way that shows deep disrespect, indifference and selfishness -be it with their gestures, words, or attitudes?
Man can proclaim the death of God but he cannot eliminate the 'thirst for God'. We find here the key answer to existential anxiety: our need for relationships is -and will always be- two-dimensional: with our fellow human beings, but also with our Creator.
He, what He gives to us, how He gives it and His timing in doing so, is always enough.
Even with all the progress we have made in the first week, what we are most encouraged by as we take these first steps as a media project are the messages of enthusiastic support that we have been receiving from all kinds of people.
Author calls all European Evangelicals who have the vision of “building bridges between the Church and society” to “join the project, write, contribute”.
Fred Catherwood continuously encouraged young people to engage in political and social life, since he was convinced that the Word of God was the ethical roadmap par excellence for a world wrought by upheavals and confusion.
We start this new media project aiming to discuss current affairs from within a Biblical worldview, in English and from a European perspective.
Author and international speaker Dr Pablo Martínez discusses the main challenges in Europe nowadays and hopes Evangelical Focus will be a useful tool to help build bridges between churches and society.
Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, is the chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference.
Juan Francisco Martinez is an expert who knows well the Hispanic church in the United States. He clarifies some aspects of the Obama initiative which affects more than five million immigrants who live in a illegal situation.
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