The Gospel invites us to walk with those who are despised by society.
Former leader of the Liberal Party Tim Farron speaks about his experiences as an evangelical Christian in politics. “In the United States, you have to invent a faith to be taken seriously, in the UK you have to pretend you haven’t got one”.
A short animation film by Swiss cartoonist Alain Auderset tells the message of the Bible in four minutes.
Remembering R.C. and the Chicago Statement.
Since the 9/11 attack in 2001, we have seen more than 60 new Muslim movements to Christ.
This is not the story of a great man, but the story of a great God, who deeply loves miserable and tormented creatures like this monk.
“In popular usage, the word is nearly synonymous with hypocrite”, writes the well-known pastor in an article for The New Yorker magazine.
The biblical doctrines which the Reformers rediscovered and emphasised provided the framework out of which modern medicine was available eventually to develop.
Five Lessons from Lausanne's engagement with younger leaders.
Christians in Europe are “finally taking the challenge of climate change seriously”, says Dave Bookless of A Rocha.
It is time for us to say #wetoo if we are praying for a profound awakening in our churches, if we are willing our churches to have a renewed testimony in our society. We mustn’t fear.
The play “Memory of Ashes” recreates episodes of the life of the man who first translated the New Testament into Spanish.
The Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) roundtable brings together people from across Europe every year. “Christians can guide refugees and help them meet the Prince of Peace and the Real Comforter which is Jesus”.
Photographer Juan Pablo Serrano sees the Reformers as an example of how “God uses ordinary people”.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
Lindsay Brown, Director of FEUER, talks about how the Reformation had a defining and far-reaching impact on Western educaton institutions, which profoundly influenced modern society.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
Beauty, at least the kind of beauty the impressionists captured, can for now be only momentary.
Thousands injured and 70’000 need shelter in the predominantely Kurdish region. Tremors were felt as far away as Israel and Turkey.
On the surface, the Pope’s comments on justification seem to be very biblical and indeed very Protestant.
Concerts, workshops, special events in a weekend festival co-organised by the Protestant state church and free evangelical entities.
About 90 delegates attended the European Creation Care and the Gospel conference in Nice (France). Chris Wright: “Whatever we do to God’s creation either points to, or diminishes, God’s glory”.
Former Google and Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski, founds Way of the Future, which aims “to create a deity based on artificial intelligence for the betterment of society”.
Five hundred years later, the Solas give us as followers of Jesus our identity. When people ask, “What makes you an evangelical?”, we can respond with the five solas.
Speaking in Wittenberg on 31 October, the German Chancellor said the Reformation anniversary is “a great opportunity to strengthen the awareness about the Christian roots in our society”.
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